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Baby season vs. busy season



Having a second child wasn’t even in the cards for Erica Goode until she knew she was going to quit her accounting job.

Goode started her career at the Big Four before moving to corporate accounting. Instead of a busy tax season, she had a busy audit season, so when she got pregnant with her first kid she requested a part-time schedule for when she returned from maternity leave. 

“I can do the math,” she said. “I realized that my kid was going to spend more of their waking hours with their daycare provider than they would with me, and I just wasn’t OK with that.” 

Her request was approved after some back-and-forth (flexible work schedules were not something her company at the time was accustomed to offering pre-pandemic), and Goode worked 32 hours a week, four days a week, with Fridays off to spend with her newborn. But not long after returning, she was offered a promotion to a director role that didn’t allow for a reduced schedule. Still, she accepted. 

Then she hit rock bottom. Raising an infant while in her new position left her burned out and depressed: “It was probably the lowest point in my career. It was awful. I didn’t feel good at anything.” 

“I always felt like I was dragging my kid behind me through work,” she said. “I couldn’t even fathom having a second child because I felt like I was not excelling at either being an employee or being a mother, and I like to do things excellently.”

“One day, my husband, who’s also a CPA, brought up the idea, ‘If you quit your job, could we have another kid?'” she recalled. “And it wasn’t until the thought of quitting my job that growing our family felt like something we could actually do.”

So that’s what they did. Goode took a demotion to her previous role, she and her husband worked out their finances, she had their second child and worked a reduced schedule for a year before handing in her resignation to be a full-time, stay-at-home mom. 

After two years, she started her own practice. Now, living in Idaho, she works 15 hours a week — Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays while her kids are in school — offering fractional CFO, bookkeeping and tax planning services to 10 clients. 

Not alone
Goode is one of many accountants whose plans to start a family were put on hold or rescheduled to accommodate the profession and its busy seasons. 

In June, Logan Graf, a CPA and firm owner based in Texas, made a post on social media that spotlighted this trend: “This is how toxic public accounting is: We feel the need to time the birth of our children around busy seasons. I’m guilty of this. It’s messed up. I’m not letting busy season dictate when I can have another child anymore.”

Graf wrote the post after his wife had a miscarriage as they were trying for their third child, which they planned to have in the summer following tax season. 

“I think we need to recognize that this is toxic, and the way we’re thinking about it is toxic,” Graf said. “We can choose to think about it differently without virtue signaling and try to create more boundaries for ourselves and ultimately our clients and our employers.”

His post struck a nerve. Over 100 accounting professionals responded across Twitter and LinkedIn shared similar stories of how they had also planned their pregnancies around busy season deadlines, how they had returned to work sooner than they wished, how they were fired or penalized by employers for taking time off for their children’s births, how finding work-life balance in the accounting profession can feel near-impossible at times. 

Goode was one of those respondents. She wasn’t surprised to see how many had experienced similar pressures and done the same as her.

“Collectively, we do a really good job of faking it and everybody looks like they’re doing fine, and I was the same. People would tell you that I looked fine, but I was really crumbling on the inside,” she said. “It was so relieving to feel like you’re not alone. But you also can’t openly talk about it because who are you going to talk about it with? The people in your work who either pay you or rely on you as a peer?”

“It’s something that everybody feels and few people talk about,” she said.

The problem
Planning personal milestones around your work schedule is often simply the most practical and logical decision; the accounting profession is by no means unusual in that regard. But this is the crux of the problem: Accountants are making the intimate, personal choice of pregnancy around antiquated aspects of the profession that experts say need to change anyway. 

Of the accountants who “timed it right,” many say they returned to the office sooner than they wished, or they worked remotely while on leave, because they feared falling behind in their career progression.

For example, after Jody Padar, from Wisconsin, had her first child, she returned to work part-time during the day and went to school for her master’s degree in tax at night: “I felt like if I stayed in this part-time mommy track I was going to lose out. I felt like I wasn’t going to be given the same opportunities.”

But despite any amount of planning, babies will come when they will. Two years later, Padar gave birth to her second child a month and a half prematurely. He stayed in the neonatal intensive care unity for six weeks, and she took another six weeks to care for him at home. But when she returned to the office in mid-June, she was fired immediately. She founded her own firm when her daughter was six and her son was four. She later sold that firm in 2020 and is now a speaker and author known as “The Radical CPA.”

Padar isn’t hesitant to admit that the chip on her shoulder is part of the reason why she — and many other women, she believes — is driven to innovation: “When you’re faced with all of that, you work 10X to get to the same place.”

For Sharon Perry, it took a cancer diagnosis to change her perspective on the profession. Perry, who lives in Canada, worked during tax season through all three of her maternity leaves. She changed firms with each pregnancy. After having her first child, she was put on probation when she returned to work. After her second, she was denied her annual raise. After her third, she lost certain work flexibilities that she had previously established. 

She left her last firm to start her own when her youngest was 15 months old. Then she got cancer. Bedridden for six months, she was forced to downsize her firm and let go of roughly three-quarters of her 1,000 clients. Now nearly a dozen surgeries later, she’s working 25 hours a week and making more now with her smaller client base than she did before. 

Perry’s theory on it all? “Firms need to start recognizing that their people come first,” she said. “I think maybe the top have lost perspective on life. Or maybe they’re out golfing and they’re forgetting the grueling hours that they put in, which was at a different time in society. The times have changed. Quality is more productive than quantity.”

The causes
The pressure to avoid having children during busy season reaches beyond CPAs. Rachel Anevski, founder of a human resources consulting agency in New Jersey, felt it when she was working at an accounting firm as an HR director. She planned to have her two children be born in May and August before the start of the second wave of tax returns. 

It’s ingrained in the profession, she said: “I knew over the years that every baby was born outside of tax season. No September-through-October babies, and no January-through-April babies.”

“No one ever said, ‘We encourage you to have babies where it’s not interrupting business,'” she clarified. “It was that your performance was based upon how many hours you put in. Everything is hour-driven.”

Anevski said the problem is multifaceted. First, the hours-based model for high performance is to blame: “Somebody that can take on more work in the same hours as someone that takes on longer work — you’re not comparing apples to apples all the time, because every client possesses their own specific issues. There are too many variables. You also can’t say that someone who works more hours is the more productive one because sometimes the person who works more hours is just slower.”

The profession’s staffing model needs reworking. “There’s a lack of succession planning, cross-training and development of people. It’s like having a baseball team and you only have one pitcher and no backup. That’s how a lot of these firms manage their clientele,” Anevski said.

It was the profession’s weakness in cross-training staff that Terra Scharf, a bookkeeper from Arkansas, felt when she had her firstborn. She tried to plan the birth for after tax season, but the baby arrived early on April 18. She stayed with her child in the NICU for two weeks, and clients came to the hospital to meet with her because there was simply no one else to do the work. With the birth of her second child, she was back in the office after only two weeks.

Heather Chappelle, director of HR at BMSS, an Accounting Today Best Firm to Work for in Alabama, highlighted another root of the problem: The leadership of accounting firms does not always practice what they preach.

“It’s one thing to say you can take off early and go to every basketball game that your son has, but when none of the partners do it, it makes you feel like you can’t actually do it,” Chappelle said. “The younger staff are definitely looking and watching, and when they see all the senior managers and partners sitting in their office for 60 hours a week and missing their kids’ stuff, it makes it hard to feel like you can take advantage of whatever the firm is doing.” 

That was the case for Isaac St. John from Michigan, while working at a Top 15 firm. “Even though the HR policies are there, people aren’t taking it because it’s perceived that it’ll take away from your ability to progress quickly,” he said. 

St. John was on the path to partner when he started his family. Both his children were born in February, and both years St. John apologized to his team partner for what felt like leaving them in the lurch.

“I started to realize that no one was really doing family life like I wanted to,” he said — so he left to start his own firm. 

Aaron Krafft from Indiana calls it “an unwritten rule to not take time off.” It dawned on him while working at the Big Four as a newlywed when he left work to have Valentine’s Day dinner with his wife. Afterward, he returned to the office to make up the hours but was reproached for having left at all.  

“I went through three busy seasons there, and it was blatantly obvious to me that the way I wanted to raise a family was just not going to be possible there,” he said. So Krafft left and started his own firm. He’s two for two on summer births and hates that tax season is the reason why. 

Similarly, Logan Allec from California married while working at a Big Four firm. It wasn’t easy, and that was enough for him to leave and start his own firm before having kids. 

“If I can’t even hack it with just being married, how am I going to hack it with kids? It’s just a recipe for divorce,” Allec said. “And I’ll probably offend some people out there, but at least for me, I could not see how I could be a good husband and father while working those kinds of hours.”

The repercussions
For firms, the consequence of this trend is losing out on innovative talent amid an ongoing labor shortage. Many accountants cited the need for more flexibility to start a family as a reason they founded their own firms. But the impact of the work pressures on the individual accountant can be profound too. 

Jackie Meyer had worked in the Big Four and then at a small firm before starting her own practice in Texas. When she started having kids (both planned and born in December), she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, a medical condition that causes long-term extreme exhaustion and impacts concentration and short-term memory.

Though the causes of chronic fatigue aren’t well understood, Meyer says the start of her symptoms coincided after the birth of her first child when she was skipping lunches and working through the nights because it was the only time she could work undisturbed. 

“These are basic things that I think accountants tend to overlook all the time because they’re always prioritizing the work,” she said. 

Meyer said these habits were instilled into her. While starting out in the Big Four, she remembers once getting chewed out by a partner for taking a day off during the slow season for Lasik eye surgery, and “constantly competing with other staff members on who would stay the latest and who would show up the earliest.”

The solution
Making resources accessible is the first part of a multistep solution. Wiss, another Accounting Today Best Firm to Work For, based in New Jersey, is taking steps to do this: It uses software called LeaveLogic that helps employees confidentially plan their leaves by pulling together federal and state laws along with the company’s supplemental programming. 

The push to install the system came from its chief people officer Lauren Dunn’s own experience with pregnancy and understanding the feeling of not being ready to tell employers or HR yet, but still wanting to plan ahead.

Building a strong operations or HR department so accountants have support beyond their managers and partners is crucial too. “Ultimately, it’s about being transparent and being human, and communicating that,” Dunn said. 

Many firms have programs for new parents or people planning to start families, but getting accountants to actually utilize those programs and take the time off they want is the real challenge. That requires a greater change at the firm-wide level.

For one, the measure of success needs to shift away from the number of hours an accountant can clock. Wiss, for instance, has no minimum hour requirements, and redesigned its annual performance reviews around alternative measures of success such as collaboration, conscientiousness, attitude, professionalism, communication, IT and computer skills, and problem-solving. When looking to promote, in addition to reviews, they consider factors such as client relationships, business development, financial performance, strategic alignment and leadership potential.

Firm leadership must also play an active role in setting the tone. Wendy Edgar, Americas HR director at EY, points to the Big Four firm’s new global chief executive, Janet Truncale, as an example: “When you have leaders at the very top that also did this — Janet has had her children and done the work — it builds inside the culture. I don’t think it’s as hard for people to say, ‘I’m taking time off. I’m going to be with my family. I’m going to take my full parental leave,’ because they’re working for people that did that too and that was important to them.”

“The more companies that do it, the more it becomes societal,” Edgar added. “If everybody did more with time off, if everybody did more with wellbeing, then the work environment is stronger.” 

The final solution, and perhaps the tallest of orders, is mitigating the slam of busy season by managing client load and client expectations, and establishing processes to distribute the work of the crunch periods throughout the entire year. 

Until then, the pressures on individual accountants need to be alleviated to enable a sustainable work-life balance. This can be achieved by improving the staffing model “by cross-training, by recognizing that you need teams to understand certain clients, and then preparing for it and building strong boundaries,” Anevski said. 

But the hard truth is that some firms simply lack the bandwidth to install sweeping change, and the jury is still out on how quickly — or rather, how slowly — the ones that do have the bandwidth are doing it. 

Goode said that she sees change happening, but not quickly enough: “I don’t think they’re the Big Four yet. I don’t think they’re middle market. I think they’re smaller firms that are doing it right and they will slowly change the path.”

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On the move: RRBB hires tax partner



Suha Uddin


Suha Uddin was hired as a tax partner at RRBB Advisors, Somerset. 

Sax, Paterson, announced that its annual run/walk event SAX 4 Miler, supporting the Child Life Department at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in Paterson, has achieved $1 million in total funds raised since its inception in 2012.    

Withum, Princeton, rolled out a new outsourcing service offering as part of its sustainability and ESG practice designed to help companies comply with the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the mandate requires reporting of detailed sustainability performance as it pertains to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards , effective January 2023.

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Armanino takes on minority investment from Further Global



Top 25 Firm Armanino LLP has taken on a strategic minority investment from private equity firm Further Global Capital Management.

The deal, which closed today, is the latest in the series of investments by private equity in large accounting firms that began in 2021 — but with a key difference, Armanino CEO Matt Armanino told Accounting Today.

“What’s maybe the punchline here — what’s really unique, I think — is that we wanted to focus on a minority investment that allowed us to retain not just operational control of the business, but ownership control of the business,” he said. “Those are some of the guiding principles that we’ve been thinking about over the last number of years, and we felt like if we could accomplish those things strategically with the right partner, it would really be just a home run, and that’s where we think we’ve landed.”

As is common with CPA firms taking on private equity investment, Armanino LLP will restructure to an alternative practice structure, splitting into two independently owned and governed professional-services entities: Armanino LLP, a licensed CPA firm wholly owned by individual CPAs, will provide attest services to clients, and Armanino Advisory LLC, a consulting and advisory firm, will perform non-attest services.

Inside the deal

As have many large firms, Armanino LLP had been looking at private equity for some time.

“We’ve been analyzing the PE trend over the last few years and our discussions with Further Global actually began several years ago, and along the way we confirmed our initial inclination that Further Global would be a great partner for us,” CEO Armanino said.

“We had the opportunity to meet with dozens of leading private equity firms,” he explained. “Ultimately we concluded that Further Global would be the best partner for us based on their expertise in partnering with professional service businesses in particular, and our desire for a minority deal structure.”

Matt Armanino
Matt Armanino

Robert Mooring

While citing Further Global’s “deep domain expertise” in financial services and business services firms, Armanino noted that this would be the PE firm’s first foray into the accounting profession: “This is their first accounting firm deal, and I think they’re only focused on this one at this time.”

An employee-owned PE firm, Further Global invests in companies in the business services and financial services industries, and has raised over $2.2 billion of capital.

Guggenheim Securities LLC served as the financial advisor and sole private placement agent to Armanino LLP, while Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP acted as its legal counsel. Further Global was advised by Pointe Advisory, with Kirkland & Ellis as legal counsel.

“Armanino ranks as high as any CPA firm in the country with the private equity community,” commented Allan Koltin, CEO of Koltin Consulting Group, who has advised Armanino for over two decades. “Their deal with Further Global fit just like a glove. They will keep control and now have the capital structure to compete on the biggest of stages.”

Internally, the Armanino partner group was unanimous in its support for the deal — and in its insistence on only selling a minority stake.

“We’ve had transparent discussions at the leadership level around not only adding an outside investor, but we knew very early on that a minority investment was the best path forward for us, and we were very excited that there was unanimous support from the entire partnership group around that decision,” Armanino said. “This structure is also going to allow the long-term owners and partners of Armanino to maintain full control over our day-to-day operations, and the proud culture that we’ve built.”

“No other firm in the Top 25 has a structure like this, and I think that’s pretty significant,” he added.

Capital plans

The goal of the deal is to give Armanino the capital it needs to take itself to a new level of growth while also addressing some of the most pressing challenges in accounting: investing in technology, pursuing inorganic growth through M&A, and attracting and retaining talent.

The firm has always been tech-forward, and recently has been a major pioneer in artificial intelligence.

“The capital will enable us to fast-track our investments in advanced technology solutions, particularly AI,” said Matt Armanino. “We’ve seen growing desire from our clients to deploy real applications for AI solutions. And while we’ve been at the forefront of automation and AI since the early days, with the development of our AI Lab a few years ago, innovative AI-driven solutions that address our clients’ most urgent challenges remain a top priority for us.”

Beyond technology investments, the firm plans to continue its aggressive M&A strategy, which has brought on 19 acquisitions since 2019.

“Those transactions have allowed us to expand our capabilities and enter into new markets and drive greater value to our clients,” said Armanino. “And we think we can accelerate that now with this capital structure that we have.”

All that M&A has brought the firm a lot of fresh talent, but no firm these days has enough, and that’s a third purpose for the new capital.

“We think there remains a lot of ripe talent across the country out there,” he said. “I think the capital will support our efforts to attract, retain, develop and reward top talent by investing in people who drive our entrepreneurial spirit here at the firm.”

The deal will allow the firm to reward top talent, for instance through equity plans that allow them to extend the firm’s ownership culture beyond the partner group that it has traditionally been restricted to.

“In many cases, for our most senior employees today, there’s not a natural mechanism to align their effort to the success of the firm to the growth of our enterprise value and how that ultimately rewards them,” explained Armanino. “And we are very excited that we have new mechanisms, and plans in place, that are going to allow us to do that very well, and effectively push down the benefits of ownership and that ownership culture to our most senior employees.”

“Finally,” he added, “speaking to our innovative culture — and that’s a big part of our brand — the capital will empower us to say ‘Yes’ more frequently to great ideas, to entrepreneurial ideas and initiatives that truly make a difference for our clients and set us apart as a leader in this industry.”

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Cryptocurrency CPAs race to prepare clients for end of universal wallet accounting from IRS rule change



Accountants in the cryptocurrency arena have been busy preparing their clients for what they characterize as a seismic shift in digital asset reporting before the safe harbor provision ends in January. 

IRS Revenue Procedure 2024-28, released in June, effectively ends the longstanding practice of “universal wallet” reporting, where people could account for their digital assets, especially cryptocurrency, as a combined pool. Under the new rules, which go into effect at the beginning of next year, people will now need to report their holdings on an account-by-account basis. Zach Gordon, founder of cryptocurrency accounting firm Red Five, called the change “monumental.” 

“You’re talking about going from the universal wallet concept–which is imperfect without a doubt but something we can handle today–to what is, in essence, specific IDs, where every wallet needs to be treated as its own universe for tax purposes. This is a huge change, and considering how a lot of these reporting infrastructures, even on the transactional level, were built out, it’s not ideal,” he said.

Crypto tax

To illustrate, according to Gordon, consider an entity that runs a trading algorithm with many microtransactions, hundreds or even thousands per day and possibly millions per year. Accountants will need to capture all of those transactions, trace their paths through specific wallets, and identify what is and is not taxable through it all, which theoretically can be a very time consuming process. 

The degree of ease or difficulty of helping a client through this, said Gordon, comes down largely to their overall due diligence or “wallet hygiene,” which could best be thought of as maintaining certain habits to security, privacy and effectiveness of one’s accounts. This could include tracking things like which wallets serve which purpose, which assets are held in those wallets, who has custody of them and who controls them. While these things are often on a public blockchain, and so technically auditable, it won’t always be easy. 

Pat Camuso, founder of digital asset-focused accounting firm Camuso CPA, noted that assisting clients through this change is basically a matter of tracking and tracing assets through identifying the relevant data and drilling down at the transaction level on an asset-by-asset basis. This allows them to track the flow of funds so as to, ultimately, map the client’s accounts, everything in them, and what assets are inbound and outbound. He said it’s kind of like being a forensic accountant. 

“It takes a lot of digging, a lot of piecing together, just a tangled mess of a puzzle every time. And now this revenue procedure requires that whole tangled mess to be accurate,” he said, noting that today most just try to determine gains or losses and move on. 

If someone has already been practicing proper wallet hygiene, these engagements won’t be that difficult to get through. Unfortunately, many do not. For instance, both Gordon and Camuso noted that it’s not just possible but common for people to literally forget about a wallet and lose track of just how many they have. 

“I was just looking at an account from before, we’ve been doing their accounting since 2017, and there was a painful reconciliation process that covered maybe 12-13 wallets they didn’t tell us about, and several exchanges as well,” he said. 

Because the new rules increase complexity, the engagements will become more complex, which means they will take longer and cost more. But given the difficulty of navigating the labyrinth of assets held by some clients, Camuso said there’s not much other choice. 

“[You’ll need to be] going asset by asset, down a whole list, and ensuring that everything is allocated right. You may have 25 lots of Ethereum and now we have to snapshot your wallets and allocate them appropriately to each wallet, so with that level of complication, yes, that will increase fees,” he said. As for ongoing maintenance, “it has always been that tangled mess and fees have always reflected that as a result, because there is no way around that.”

Gordon, from Red Five, noted that even just scoping these engagements out have become a little more challenging—while many CPAs are moving away from the billable hour, he said it can sometimes be a struggle to determine a fair estimate for this work. However, he said he is less concerned about the economics of the matter than he is about the timing, as there’s a lot to do and not much more time to do it. 

“It seems like everything takes way longer. There’s way more stuff to do and the deeper you get the more challenging it gets to come up with the right answer. It depends on the platform. There’s the large institutional ones, and they’re going to be okay, they will figure out a way to make sure we’re ramped up and ready to go, but there’s some of the newer [blockchains] out there, the newer platforms are working hard but these standards are very hard to maintain,” he said. 

Camuso added that many of the accounting solutions used for cryptocurrency have been coded with the universal wallet methodology in mind, and many of them have not yet adjusted to the new rules, with a few exceptions. 

Ledgible, a cryptocurrency solutions provider, is one. CEO Kell Canty noted that users have always been able to select either a universal wallet or account-by-account approach, meaning that the only real change that had to happen was disabling the former option. Making the shift, though, may not necessarily be as easy as clicking a button. Canty said that the difficulty and complexity of the operation depends entirely on the user, there is no one size fits all. Some have exhaustive books and records and rules on how they document and approach allocations, and so won’t have much difficulty; others are a little less fastidious, and so may have a more difficult time. 

Canty added that another major challenge is that there are a lot of people, some of whom may not be as sophisticated as others, who either know very little about the change or don’t even know about it at all. Something as big as this, he said, you’d think they’d be more aware, but many don’t really think much about taxes and how they’re calculated until around April or October. It’s been a tumultuous year and people’s attention is being pulled in a lot of direction, he said, and this is a very intricate and complex change, so those who aren’t professionals won’t necessarily know to look into the implications of this. 

“It will be an education process. Not just among our own users but universally for the [professionals] and platforms to educate what it will mean on a going forward basis and how the safe harbor only exists up until January 1,” he said. 

As for Ledgible itself, he said they’re gearing up for customer service because they think they will soon be getting a lot of requests from users who suddenly become aware of the change. He noted this is more complex for the average used, and what’s more they’ll have to learn about it in a compressed timeframe, which he said might cause more confusion. Ledgible is also planning for an information campaign to help users understand what is happening and why. 

“It’s a little difficult to get casual users interested in the intricacies of tax regulations, but we will try,” he said. 

Compounding the challenge is the fact that while the shift from universal wallet to account-by-account reporting is the most prominent new rule, it’s not the only one. Another big change is first-in-first-out now becoming the default methodology. For years, many cryptocurrency holders preferred a highest-in-first-out methodology, which tended to produce better tax outcomes. Switching to a FIFO default methodology could have tax consequences for those who have meticulously structured their assets the other way, said Gordon. But he added that this will be a difficult thing for the IRS to enforce and wondered whether it might later permit other methodologies like last-in-first-out. 

“If you’ve been around this industry long enough, you know that enforcing something like this is challenging because you’re dealing with a lot of unique transactions … For certain groups or individuals, LIFO might make more sense for those who are very detail oriented while specific identification might make more sense [in others],” he said. “FIFO being the law of the land is potentially a big deal and I can see there being pushback from those who are trying to file compliantly, and at the same time there are also potential tax consequences as well.” 

Camuso noted that this will also require users with multiple wallets to be more meticulous in how they structure their assets. 

“Now in 2025 they’re creating a scenario where you can’t just plug your transactions in and pick the highest cost and call it a day–you must manage funds appropriately and flow of funds must match capital gains calculations. … It is to eliminate this idea of cherry picking the highest cost basis,” he said.  

When asked about the best practices they’ve found in helping clients through this situation, both Camuso and Gordon had similar advice: maintaining accurate records, both on the part of the client and the firm. Camuso noted that making sure the calculations are accurate up to that point is really half the battle, if this is covered then the allocations will not be very complex. Meanwhile, Gordon said it’s vital to understand all the wallets involved, what transitions are related to each of them, and making sure records are updated regularly. Preparation, overall, is key. Of course, this might be a tall order in October. Stil, Camuso said it’s important to make clients aware of this and to impress upon them it’s much better to do this before the Jan. 1 deadline. 

“To the degree that someone does not follow up with me before Jan. 1, the big thing is that deadline. It’s not even Jan. 15, it’s Jan. 1. If someone is lackadaisical and overlooks that, it won’t be a good sign. Then there becomes the question of what we will do next year,” he said. 

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