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Tax season nears its end, but uncertainties linger



The 2024 filing season, which began with a hint of uncertainty, has progressed into one of the smoothest in recent memory — but the uncertainty still exists, fueled by court decisions and pending legislation. 

The legislation was “pending” at the beginning of filing season and is still pending, while court decisions called into question the Corporate Transparency Act, which, although not a tax issue, is front and center for many accountants that deal with small businesses which come under the purview of the act’s beneficial ownership information reporting requirements. 

Accountants are hesitant to become involved with questions regarding BOI reporting; depending on the jurisdiction they may be charged with practicing law without a license, since they are called on to interpret definitions under the act as to beneficial ownership. Despite this, they routinely are expected to interpret the complexities of the Internal Revenue Code and have done so for decades without the benefit of a law degree. Add to this the fact that their professional liability insurance may or may not protect them — again, depending on the jurisdiction in which charges might be brought against them. 

The American Institute of CPAs, in a letter dated April 3, 2024, to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the director of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Andrea Gacki, voiced its concern that small businesses will be caught off guard with the new filing requirement, and failure to file could result in steep civil and criminal penalties.

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“The recent NSBA v. Yellen court case which found the Corporate Transparency Act to be unconstitutional has only compounded confusion, with most entities believing they no longer have a furling requirement,” said the letter.

“Based on these strong concerns,” the letter continued, “we ask that you suspend all enforcement actions until one year after the conclusion of all court cases related to NSBA v. Yellen, and further believe that FinCEN should take no retroactive enforcement for non-compliance during this time. The portal can remain open, and small businesses may voluntarily report BOI, but no small business should be compelled to file nor should any small business face enforcement for failure to comply until after the courts have worked through this complex case.”

Failure to address the situation will lead to “rampant noncompliance” in the small-business sector, according to Roger Harris, president of Padgett Business Services. “And it will not help us catch money launderers or child traffickers.”

Still in limbo

Still pending is the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, which passed in the House. It contains taxpayer-favorable alterations to the Child Tax Credit and a trio of lapsed business provisions: bonus depreciation, research and experimental expenditures, and the business interest deduction limitation, and is awaiting action in the Senate. The general feeling is that the TRAFWA will be “pending” all the way through the November elections, but will eventually pass in one form or another.

Depending on the client, this could be a pretty significant delay, according to Ryan Losi, executive vice president of Virginia-based CPA firm Piascik. 

“It has caused heartburn for some companies in the tech industry or pharmaceuticals,” he observed. They have to capitalize expenses rather than include them as deductions, which can make the difference between making a profit or paying tax on taxable income that doesn’t exist. It was supposed to pass in February, but Republicans held the bill up because of immigration issues. Now, it looks as though nothing will happen until after the election. So maybe tax season won’t be so smooth because you have to file based on current law, not what you think it will be.”

“Things started to normalize in late February when people recognized that maybe the tax bill would not pass that quickly, and the IRS said not to wait, that they would fix refunds automatically if the bill passed,” he added.

Filing season statistics show that “do-it-yourselfers” were up by 1% over a year ago, as of March 29, but that’s probably not entirely accurate, according to Mark Steber, chief tax officer at Jackson Hewitt. “The IRS is increasingly concerned with ‘ghost preparers,’ those who prepare a return for a fee but don’t sign the return,” he said. 

“The IRS has seen repeat self-prepared returns coming from the same address,” he remarked. “In some cases, the taxpayer doesn’t even know that the person sitting next to them in a tax pro’s office doesn’t even work in the office — they pull out their computer, ask a few questions and agree to meet at a Starbucks around the corner.”

Looking forward

Other than these few issues, the season has been smooth. But it may be the last for a while, according to Steber. “A new 1099-K, the presidential election, expiring Trump provisions all converge, so we may have seen the last of the “normal” seasons for a while,” he said. 

This is an election year and even though tax season is nearly behind us, Congress might make retroactive changes which they may instruct the IRS to implement, or some returns might have to be amended to receive benefits, according to Tom O’Saben, director of tax content & government relations at the National Association of Tax Professionals. “Pay close attention to the news,” he advised. 

April is filing extension time, according to Losi. “Our cutoff is March 25. If they don’t have all their information together by then, they’ll have to extend,” he explained. “We’re in the process of contacting all our clients with large items and will try to get a sense of the taxes they paid in prior years. If the client is in a refund situation, we can file the extension easily and electronically and without needing more information. Or if they have a balance due, we have to decide how much is due. If it’s a large balance due, we have to decide how to pay it. Most have their money tied up in illiquid assets, so they might have to give it a tweak or two.”

Wrapping up

The filing season began with tax professionals thinking they had lost clients to the new IRS Direct File, but they were only waiting in the wings, according to Beanna Whielock, former IRS director of national public liaison, and now executive director of Tax Pro Fellowship.

“Taxpayers hate taxes. Only if they think they are getting a refund, rebate CTC or some other funds do they get in early to file,” she said. “Most have owed, either because they took a second job to make ends meet and were insufficiently withheld or they followed IRS guidance on completing the Form W-4 and were underwithheld. Then the taxpayers who did strange things began to come in. While only energy credits seemed to be a saving grace, they were few and far between because people are hurting in the economy.”

With the end of the season in sight, overall it’s gone pretty well, according to Harris. 

“There have been some minor hiccups here and there, but compared to most recent filing seasons it’s been relatively smooth,” he said. “The problem every year has been late 1099s, and it seems as though there are more corrections this year than in the past. For example, people don’t realize that their financial advisor has invested their money in a limited partnership with an ownership interest in an oil well in Oklahoma. They bring in all their information at the end of March, get their return filed and then show up two weeks later with the additional information. Or they might leave it for the IRS to fix, since the preparer might cost more than the tax that is due. It’s frustrating, because it creates additional work for the preparer and for the IRS.”

Tax season 2024 has mirrored last tax season in that it felt like “business as usual” — essentially what tax season has typically been like, according to Jim Guarino, managing director at Top 100 Firm Baker Newman Noyes. 

“One of the larger surprises was the increase in overall investment income, especially in terms of their interest income and U.S. government interest,” he said. “Interest jumped during 2023 and individuals were the recipients of this increased interest income, but it led to smaller refunds or a balance due on retirement account values at December 31 of the preceding year.”

“Tax professionals at this time of year have come to appreciate one general rule of thumb: Expect the unexpected,” he concluded. “Living by that mantra helps us to navigate and weather the storm that is certain to come every January.”

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CFP Board, FPA and others call for tax incentives



Five of the most important organizations in the planning profession are pushing for lawmakers to restore tax incentives for financial advice ahead of a massive potential deadline next year.

In a letter to the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, the CFP Board, the Financial Planning Association, the Financial Services Institute, the Investment Adviser Association and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors described the loss of a deduction for financial advice as “an unintended consequence” of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The message last month came about six weeks before one of the most consequential elections for tax policy in recent memory will decide the fate of the many expiring provisions of the law.

READ MORE: Economists want to trash the QBI deduction. What will voters say?

The letter represents an area of agreement among wealth management trade and professional organizations that have split in other policy debates — such as the Biden administration’s rule expanding fiduciary duties to 401(k) rollovers and other types of retirement advice. The groups are just a few of the many that will be vying to get back their highly specific tax credits or deductions once the dust settles on the election and the next president and Congress work out what to do about the parts of the 2017 law with a sunset date at the end of 2025. For example, the doubling of the standard deduction, the end of personal exemptions and other changes have drastically reduced itemization in recent years.

Repeal of “a limited tax deduction for investment advice” as part of the law essentially raised the “cost of financial advice crucial to Main Street investors saving for retirement, college and other important life events such as home purchases,” according to Erin Koeppel, the managing director of government relations and public policy counsel of the CFP Board. Reinstating incentives could bring tax savings for those who weren’t previously eligible for the deduction because their fees didn’t go above 2% of their adjusted gross income, Koeppel noted.    

“Congress and the new administration will have the opportunity to restore and expand tax incentives to make financial advice more accessible to everyday Americans,” she said in a statement. “Tax credits or other subsidies aimed at moderate-income individuals would encourage these investors to seek professional financial advice, which, in turn, will improve financial outcomes. This ultimately will allow a broader range of Americans to access financial advice for major financial milestones and everyday needs.”

READ MORE: How the election — and Senate procedure — will decide tax policies

However, the earlier deduction and other “miscellaneous” items eliminated by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act added up to roughly $32 billion worth of revenue in the first 10 years of the legislation, according to Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst and modeling manager at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tax Foundation. The writers of the legislation were seeking “to broaden and simplify the tax base as a partial offset to other tax changes in the law that were scored as losing revenue under the baseline,” Watson said in an email.

“I have not seen any specific evidence suggesting that the repeal of this deduction led to a decline in Americans seeking financial advice or if it noticeably impacted the prices for those services,” he said. “The AGI floor means that a portion of those services were not impacted at all, and taxpayers received tax breaks elsewhere that would offset (or more than offset) this tax increase in insolation.”

In their letter, the organizations argued that the earlier tax incentives “may have appeared inconsequential” at the time of the 2017 law, but the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic volatility demonstrated the importance of “having access to affordable, professional advice from trusted financial professionals.” 

“As Congress considers extending the expiring provisions of the TCJA, we ask that Congress restore and expand tax incentives for financial advice, including financial planning,” the organizations wrote in the Sept. 16 letter. “Such tax incentives may include deductions, credits, or a combination thereof. Further, Congress should ensure that these incentives are responsive to the needs of Main Street Americans. All taxpayers need help to obtain the critical financial advice they need now, and any tax incentives should be widely available to American households.”

READ MORE: Why tax-related services drive business for RIAs

They had responded to a call by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, a Republican from Missouri, and other members for public input on the expiring portions of the law. For future occupants of the White House and Congress, the looming deadline will create difficult choices about the economy, the federal budget deficit and a variety of other issues. 

“The challenge heading into next year is every specific tax deduction, credit or other expenditure has a specific use-case and set of folks who argue that they should be retained, but this comes at the cost of greater complexity in our tax code and higher tax rates,” Watson said. “If anything, we may need to further base broadening efforts to ensure the fiscal situation improves federally, and that would include retaining the progress policymakers made on base broadening in 2017. This can help keep tax rates lower, which is helpful for taxpayers and American families across the country.”

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SEC’s evolving stance on climate disclosures has implications for auditors



The Securities and Exchange Commission has been constantly revising its stance on how public companies should report their climate impact. 

These ongoing changes are keeping auditors, companies and investors confused. After proposing ambitious rules in 2022, the SEC adopted a scaled-back version in 2024. The new rules are set forth in Release No. 33-11275. However, this new regulatory environment has faced legal challenges, creating uncertainty for companies and auditors. The agency took the unexpected step of voluntarily pausing the implementation of the rules while legal proceedings were ongoing.

Both progress and setbacks have marked the SEC’s journey toward finalizing climate disclosure rules. While the initial proposal aimed to require extensive climate-related disclosures, the final rules ultimately focused on critical areas like Scope 1 and 2 emissions, financial statement disclosures, and board oversight. However, even these revised rules have faced significant opposition.

How are the 2022 proposed rules different from the final rules?

One of the most contentious areas was the treatment of Scope 3 emissions. The 2022 proposal would have required public companies to disclose Scope 3 emissions, representing indirect emissions from upstream and downstream activities. This included emissions associated with a company’s supply chain, transportation and other value chain activities.

In a significant departure from the original proposal, the SEC eliminated the Scope 3 emissions disclosure requirement in the final rules. This decision was met with praise and criticism, with opponents arguing that Scope 3 emissions are critical to a company’s overall carbon footprint.

Other significant changes include the following:

  • Scope 1 and 2 emissions: While the requirement for Scope 1 and 2 emissions (direct and indirect emissions from purchased electricity) remained, it was limited to larger companies (accelerated and large accelerated filers) and only if the emissions were deemed “material.”
  • Financial statement disclosures: The proposed requirement to disclose the impact of climate-related risks on financial statements was removed from the final rules.
  • Board oversight: The SEC also eliminated requirements for disclosing board members’ climate-related experience and specific climate responsibilities.
  • Flexibility: The final rules provide more flexibility regarding where and how companies present their climate-related disclosures.

Why did the SEC make the changes?

The SEC’s decision to scale back the initial proposal was likely influenced by a combination of factors, including:

  • Complexity: Scope 3 emissions can be complex to measure and report, and some companies may have faced challenges in collecting and analyzing this data.
  • Legal challenges: The SEC may have anticipated legal challenges to the Scope 3 emissions requirement and removed it to avoid potential regulatory uncertainty.
  • Economic impacts: Some critics argued that requiring Scope 3 emissions disclosure could impose significant costs on businesses, particularly smaller companies.

While the final rules represent a compromise between the SEC’s initial ambitions and the concerns of various stakeholders, the issue of climate-related disclosures remains a complex and controversial topic. Ongoing legal challenges and continued uncertainty persist.

Legal battles and regulatory uncertainty

Almost immediately after the final rules were adopted, various groups, including businesses, conservative organizations and environmental activists, challenged them in court. In response, the SEC unexpectedly voluntarily paused the implementation of the rules while legal proceedings were ongoing. This decision has created a period of uncertainty for auditors and their clients. 

On April 4, 2024, the SEC voluntarily issued a stay on its climate disclosure rules, originally adopted on March 6, 2024. This decision came in response to multiple lawsuits challenging the regulations across several federal circuits. The agency said it issued the stay for several reasons, including to avoid potential regulatory uncertainty. At the same time, litigation is ongoing to allow the court to focus on reviewing the merits of the challenges and to facilitate an orderly judicial resolution of the numerous petitions filed against the rules.

Legal challenges

Multiple lawsuits have been filed challenging the SEC’s final climate rules. Business interests and conservative groups have filed challenges in various federal appellate courts. Republican attorneys general have also filed legal challenges. Environmental groups like the Sierra Club have sued, arguing the rules are too weak. These cases have been consolidated and are now pending review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.

SEC’s current position

Despite issuing the stay, the SEC maintains that the climate rules are consistent with applicable law and within its authority. The agency has stated that it will “continue vigorously defending” the validity of the rules in court and reiterated that its existing 2010 climate disclosure guidance remains in effect.

Where we are today

While the stay is in effect, companies subject to SEC regulations will not be required to comply with the new climate disclosure rules. However, many experts advise companies to continue their preparatory efforts, albeit on a less accelerated timeline, given the ongoing investor interest in climate-related disclosures and the potential for the rules to be upheld in court.

What does this all mean for auditors and their clients?

The evolving regulatory landscape has several implications for auditors and the companies they serve:

  • Increased scrutiny of ESG claims: Even without mandatory disclosures, the SEC remains vigilant against false or misleading ESG claims. Auditors must be diligent in reviewing sustainability reports and other ESG-related communications.
  • Focus on internal controls: Companies should have strong internal controls to support their ESG disclosures. Auditors may need to assess these controls for their overall audit planning.
  • Preparation for potential implementation: While the SEC rules are currently on hold, companies should continue to prepare for their potential implementation. Auditors can play a valuable role in helping clients through this period of uncertainty. 

The road ahead

The future of climate-related disclosures remains uncertain, but this issue will remain a significant focus for regulators, investors, the courts and the public. Auditors must stay prepared to adapt their practices to meet the needs of their clients during this period of uncertainty and beyond. 

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EY beefs up use of AI amid $1B investment



Ernst & Young is leveraging its $1 billion investment in talent and technology to expand the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning over the next four years. 

EY began using older technology over a decade ago for online detection analytics, but new forms of AI are enabling it to spot unusual outliers in audit data. “We started with Excel and went into business intelligence solutions, but we were dependent on our auditors basically spotting the outliers based on tables and charts,” said Marc Jeschonneck, EY’s global assurance digital leader. “The next frontier that we are now embarking on is really to use AI to detect anomalies.”

EY has been using a general ledger anomaly detector and is now embedding AI capabilities in its GL analyzer. “The one that is most used around the audit, with more than 800 billion line items of general ledger data analyzed per year, is actually the general ledger analyzer that we use in most of our audits,” said Jeschonneck. “In that tool, we’re now embedding online detection with time series regression to really go to the next step.”  

EY luxembourg

Online detection analytics is just one of the ways the Big Four firm is employing AI technology. It’s also using AI for workflow recommendations. “All the firms have their own platforms, and so do we with EY Canvas, with more than 500,000 users in total clients as well as EY professionals,” said Jeschonneck. “We really embed with Canvas AI a recommendation engine into this platform.” It can help when identifying risks, harvesting news alerts and looking into ratios and KPIs of various sectors. 

AI in the EY Canvas recommendation engine shows auditors which risks other audit teams have seen with clients in similar sectors with similar profiles. “It really focuses their attention on what we think matters most,” said Jeschonneck. “Instead of starting from scratch based on the broader knowledge of the team just by themselves, it’s really harvesting from all of the other engagements here to spot those risks that matter most to the engagement.”

Another area where AI and machine learning are leveraged is document intelligence. AI is still limited in its mathematical ability, however, so the technology is mostly using older forms of machine learning for right now. “There is research in our pipeline to move the document intelligence to the next level, even using generative AI capabilities,” said Jeschonneck. “But to be fair, currently we don’t do that.”

Instead EY is using machine learning to craft models to identify any deviations from expectations in tables and disclosure notes. “The first thing that we are planning to use generative AI is when we help our people to improve their experience in summarizing comprehensive documents about accounting and auditing and to improve search results,” said Jeschonneck. “We are very much conscious that the quality of the respective results is highly 

dependent on the quality of the underlying data.”

Search and summarization capabilities will bring knowledge from the broader accounting and auditing teams to EY’s people in a more digestible format. 

EY is careful to balance the risk that comes with applying new technology compared to using more mature tools. 

“Exploring the benefits of the new technology, and making sure that you know about the respective risks, the guardrails that need to be put in place here, is essential for us, and you can expect that regulators and stakeholders around the world carefully observe how auditors explore these new technologies,” said Jeschonneck. 

Firms have to be careful about potentially exposing the data received from clients. “That’s one key consideration when using AI, that we not expose anything beyond the respective data privacy agreements with our clients,” said Jeschonneck.

The firm is careful when certifying solutions and working with regulators, making sure it does robust testing and has the documentation at hand, especially with new technology like generative AI. 

“We always distinguish between what our teams use to really generate audit evidence and what they use as technology to support the broader process,” said Jeschonneck. 

Auditors still have to do many routine administrative tasks, he noted, and they are able to use AI technology like Microsoft Copilot to boost their productivity.

EY works closely with Microsoft, using technology such as Power BI for business intelligence, as well as Microsoft Azure. 

The firm can also use AI technology to uncover fraudulent documents. “When we see falsified documents that were manipulated by people, AI is tremendously helpful for us,” said Jeschonneck. “As it gets easier for generative AI technology to potentially manipulate documents, the response here must be more comprehensive than just how these documents were altered.”

Machine learning and AI tools can help spot such anomalies in some cases more easily than a human being. “Even if you go for a monthly or daily time series, and you’ll have people spotting anomalies by comparing it to their expectation in simple line charts, we’re still dependent on things like the resolution of the screen, or people spotting the outlier by manually going and drilling down into tables,” said Jeschonneck. “But when the algorithms help you to detect those, at least your attention is focused on these first. Then we rely on the talent of our professionals here to really deep dive into those and further investigate.”

EY firms across the globe are leveraging such technology. “Many of the innovations that we have are actually harvested from our member firms from around the world,” said Jeschonneck. “Yes, we have a central team developing it, but we always rely on innovation coming also from the ground, from the people that work directly with our clients.”

The general ledger analyzer, for example, came from the U.S. firm, while time series regression analysis comes from a collaboration of people in Europe and the U.S. The general ledger anomaly detector started in Japan.

EY also provides training in AI to its people. “What we have here is the technology enabling our people, in the hands of professionals who are skilled and have access to the right training making the best use of the technology that we have,” said Jeschonneck. “Technology really gives new opportunities to the people.”

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