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Why Donald Trump has moved ahead in our election forecast



FOR THE first time since August, Donald Trump has overtaken Kamala Harris in The Economist’s statistical model of America’s presidential election. Our latest forecast shows that Mr Trump has a 54% chance of returning to the White House, up six percentage points during the past week. Although the race still remains more or less a coin toss, it is now weighted slightly in Mr Trump’s direction.

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Marijuana is already legal for a majority of Americans



National prohibition has not stifled budding entrepreneurs

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The Biden administration is trying to walk a fine line in arming Israel



After failing for months to unite behind major legislation, Republicans in the House of Representatives have turned to an agenda better suited to their disposition: trolling Democrats with tough votes on divisive issues. And Republican leaders started with the starkest policy disagreement within the Democratic Party today. The Israel Security Assistance Support Act would stop Joe Biden from blocking military assistance to Israel. Republicans were aiming to bring it up for a vote no later than May 17th, and the White House quickly became worried that pro-Israel Democrats would defy the president.

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The world’s slowest bullet train trundles ahead in California



The Central Valley of California is a vast expanse of flat farmland, far from the bustling cities on the state’s coast. How surprising, then, to drive along its straight highways and suddenly see rising on concrete pillars one of America’s most ambitious infrastructure projects in decades: a bullet-train line planned to run between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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