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DOGE set to hamstring IRS during tax season



IRS headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Whether the Internal Revenue Service lays off merely 7% of its workers or as much as half of its 90,000-member workforce, it is certain that it will affect the ability of the agency to do its job. This is especially so given the timing of its reduction in force during tax season. 

“There’s no exact number yet,” said David Shapiro, partner and chair of the tax, compensation and benefits practice at Saul Ewing LLP. “They started by rescinding the offers of those who were scheduled to start, so that in the Office of Chief Counsel that included law students who were reviewing and drafting regs. Everyone who was probationary was terminated. In addition there were a lot of IRS employees that accepted the deferred resignation offer. They don’t think that a reduction of 7,000 is enough — they want to get rid of a total of 50,000. In the minds of most practitioners, that would be devastating.”

That is already beginning to affect practitioners, according to Shapiro. For example, a colleague had a question for the Office of Chief Counsel: “In normal times, there would have been no problem,” he said. “But due to lack of resources, he was told that they might not be able to rule on his question.”

The cuts are part of the effort by the Trump administration and its Department of Government Efficiency to reduce the cost of government, as well as incidences of waste, fraud and abuse. But DOGE’s staff reductions have been sweeping and ill-thought-through, and have often had to be reversed. They also haven’t always saved the government money.

“[Private letter rulings] have significant user fees attached,” he noted. “So the one that requests it is actually funding the cost of those rulings, paying the IRS employees’ salaries, so it’s not costing other taxpayers.”

Shapiro expects a significant decrease in the number of rulings the IRS can issue — and that’s not the only problem.

“It’s significant because there’s another tax bill in the works,” Shapiro said. “They won’t have enough people at the IRS to give taxpayers and preparers guidance on how to apply laws that are not clear on their face. So without thinking about the effects on audit and compliance, I’m most worried about unclear rules and no clear interpretation of rules, because they won’t have the people they need to provide clear guidance.”

The number of audits will decrease because there won’t be enough people to do them, he indicated. “Also, we don’t know what will happen to audits in progress. My colleague had an Appeals conference, and the next day we found out that the Appeals officer was terminated, and his systems were locked down. Right now the case is in limbo — they don’t have enough personnel to pick up where they fired the Appeals officer in an untimely way. Anything like that, where the taxpayer is relying on human interaction, such as ID theft cases, can take over a year. We have no idea how long this one will take.”

The DOGE cuts will negatively affect litigation, according to Shapiro. 

“There will be fewer people at the IRS and fewer at Chief Counsel, so it will be more challenging for them to get things done because they will have a greater backlog,” he said. “They will likely have an increase in the number of automated notices and penalties. They will have to get the same amount of work done with fewer people, and not enough people to resolve problems.”

Perhaps more important is the impact all this will have on keeping things timely.

“My real concern is that anything where you need people at the IRS will take more time,” said Shapiro. “That goes for even the most mundane matters. For example, to establish a domestic entity you can just go online and get a tax ID, or do it by phone. A foreign entity can’t do that. So it’s harder for foreigners who want to do business in the U.S. Likewise for low-income taxpayers to resolve an issue through an offer in compromise. This will all go away without agents to help. There are things the IRS can do more efficiently, but they need to modernize their computer system. Right now there isn’t much interest in investing in technology, just in cutting people.”

“The people I have dealt with at the IRS have been good, intelligent, hardworking people trying to do the right thing,” he added. “They have saved taxpayers millions by giving clear guidance and making it possible for businesses to cooperate without having to spend huge amounts of money for guidance from the private sector. I love it when people pay me money to do that, but I don’t love it when taxpayers need to pay me money when the government could have given them clear guidance but didn’t have the resources to do it.”

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Using trusts and estate planning to fight systemic racism



Estate and trust planning by financial advisors on behalf of Black Americans can tear down the historical barriers that have led to persistent racial disparities today, according to a new study.

The weight of personal or historical trauma related to wealth, low rates of representation for Black advisors and other minority professionals and daily signs that America is giving up on efforts to acknowledge and confront systemic racism could prove exhausting to anyone in wealth management seeking to lift up historically excluded groups through their work. And those come on top of the difficulty of breaking into the profession and running a successful business.

That’s why Lynne Marie Kohm, a professor of family law at Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Peyton Farley, a 2022 graduate of the school — the co-authors of a published academic study titled, “Strategic Use of Trusts to Dismantle Racism: Building Trust through Trusts to Preserve and Empower Black Wealth,” used the analogy of a starfish to describe the importance of estate planning for Black Americans. Advisors cannot change political and financial systems on their own, but they can aid clients and their families.

“When professionals feel this fatigue, a good strategy for coping is to see that the help he or she can give just one client or just one family can and does make a tremendous difference,” Kohm and Farley said in an email interview. “Throwing one back into the sea may not make a difference to the beach loaded with thousands of starfish, but it makes all the difference to that one. Every client is worthy of attention, and serving just that one client can bring the joy of making a difference in a sea of challenge. Wealth building provides empowerment. And that client’s family wealth building will make a difference for the next generation.”

READ MORE: A plan to build Black wealth in one community — and nationwide

Personal and historical contexts

The study in the Dec. 1 issue of the Thurgood Marshall Law Review followed the researchers’ prior 2021 paper on how the wealth implications of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 demonstrated the need for “wise financial and estate planning” for Black Americans. Other research has found, for example, that eliminating the so-called racial will gap between white and Black Americans would alone slash the wealth gap between the races by 10% over three generations. More generally, experts have pointed out how advisors can add value for clients of any background with estate advice ranging from a nudge toward a plan or revision, the idea of arranging a trust or a number of sophisticated generational transfer methods that protect their family’s wealth for the future.

Kohm and Farley’s paper traces the history of systemic racism in finance before exposing several myths that further impede Black generational wealth transfers. In all, they compiled a compelling case that estate and trust planning with advisors, attorneys, tax professionals or experts from any part of the fields touching wealth management alters the course of history.

“Trusts protect wealth and allow for family wealth growth and transfer, and having a transfer plan for wealth also works to protect wealth from waste and amelioration, effectively increasing wealth,” Kohm and Farley wrote. “Without changes deeper economic divides will be created in American society, leading to more extreme inequalities. Examining what role wealth has and can have in individual lives and families may be a key to beginning to dismantle racism one estate plan at a time to minimize or even extinguish this racial divide in the larger society.”

As they take on that work, though, advisors must also win over clients who have valid personal or historical reasons for avoiding professionals in fields like finance and medicine, according to Pat Brown, a wealth manager in the Lawrence, Kansas-based office of Creative Planning. The research paper made “a lot of great points” in seeking to explain how estate and trust planning act as “a tool against antiracism,” Brown said in an email. 

It prompted him to think of the idea of Black Americans from young to middle-aged households buying insurance policies and establishing a trust to collect the assets and other means of passing down wealth, he said. However, professionals like advisors and doctors have to navigate some distrust in the process.

“There are Black folks even today that don’t think they should go to doctors in 2025 because of the beliefs their parents and grandparents had that got taught to them,” Brown said. “Some of the simple strategies of establishing a trust and funding a trust are a great way of creating wealth and getting it passed down to generation after generation.”

READ MORE: The impact of the ‘racial will gap’ on wealth

Key takeaways

Kohm and Farley cover hundreds of years of history in the first section of the paper, with discussions of race massacres in Tulsa and elsewhere, vagrancy laws, the Freedman’s Savings Bank, redlining and housing segregation, and the legacy of racism in patents. Then they proceed to address six myths about trusts and estate planning: It’s only for the rich; the family already understands the older members’ wishes upon death; it’s too challenging; lawyers aren’t trustworthy; it’s too expensive; and the clients don’t care about what happens to “my stuff” when they pass away, the authors write. 

Trusts may pose varying degrees of complexity, but they offer a solution to many of those problems — especially when there is a fiduciary professional putting the clients’ interests first in all their advice and work on behalf of the entity. At their root, trusts offer a means of preserving wealth between generations for the settlor, trustor, grantor or donor who creates them.

“A settlor is simply the property owner who chooses to manage that property with a trust,” Kohm and Farley wrote. “That trust settlor has all power and authority to make the highest and best use of his or her wealth through accountable management of the assets in that trust — which can include anything from the family farm to the family innovations. Using that power and vesting it in a trusted individual or family member is wiser than leaving it to memory or a conversation that is hoped to be remembered, or to the default intestate succession rules of a state government, which could take years, and result in tremendous asset waste.”

To illustrate the specific importance among Black Americans, they include the examples of family farms that have failed to reach another generation after the original owners’ deaths or even celebrity cases such as the costly legal wrangling after Prince’s death in 2016. Instruments such as a special needs trust, a supplemental needs trust or a spendthrift trust, provision or clause prove highly beneficial.

On the other hand, Kohm and Farley point out that many Black families may avoid these key questions entirely if they involve working with a professional who doesn’t understand their cultural experience. Similar to the field of planning in which fewer than 2% of certified financial planners are Black, the dearth of Black estate lawyers poses a challenge to convincing many prospective clients of the benefits of trust and estate planning.

“Clients want to be served by lawyers with whom they have things in common. Naturally, this is important with race, culture, ethnicity, faith, etc,” Kohm and Farley said. “Overcoming fear and distrust of lawyers and decades of distrust of the law is not an insignificant hurdle, but can be well-bridged by black lawyers serving black families.”

READ MORE: To shrink the wealth gap, reframe money as an everyday topic 

Finding the encouragement in difficult work

While that area speaks to the continuing problem of underrepresentation of Black and Hispanic professionals, it further displays the essential nature of the tough and daily effort to confront the historical legacies of wealth in America — one client at a time — the researchers added.

“It was really not only instructive for us, but encouraging,” Kohm and Farley said of their study. “Every moment of work we spent on it was often upsetting, sometimes therapeutic, but in the end encouraging, and creating in us a desire to continue to work to make a difference. In many ways we sensed that our work was to honor those whose stories were critical to this research.”

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PCAOB sanctions KPMG network firms in 9 countries



The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has censured nine firms in KPMG’s global network and imposed a total of $3.375 million in fines on firms in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, charging them with violations of PCAOB quality control standards and failing to disclose who performed the audits.

The fines and sanctions were levied on KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda. in Brazil, KPMG LLP in Canada, KPMG S.p.A. in Italy, Somekh Chaikin in Israel, KPMG LLP in the U.K., KPMG Cárdenas Dosal, S.C.  in Mexico, KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp. in South Korea, KPMG AG in Switzerland, and KPMG in Australia.

“It is essential that investors and audit committees know where issuers’ audits are being conducted and by whom so that they can make informed selection and ratification decisions. These violations prevent investors and audit committees from obtaining important information,” said PCAOB chair Erica Williams in a statement Tuesday. “Firms must take these obligations seriously and ensure their required communications and reporting are complete and accurate.”

The PCAOB found that each firm violated quality control standards related to meeting professional standards, regulatory requirements, as well as each firm’s own standards of quality; and monitoring procedures.

Each of the nine firms were also found to have violated PCAOB Rule 3211, Auditor Reporting of Certain Audit Participants, by failing to accurately disclose on PCAOB Form AP the participation in firm audits of other accounting firms, such as component auditors, shared service centers and critical audit matter hubs. The PCAOB noted that such disclosures are particularly significant in multi-country audits, where it’s even more likely that multiple parties worked on an audit. 

Four of the firms — KPMG Australia, KPMG Brazil, KPMG Canada and KPMG UK — also failed to communicate to audit committees the name, location and planned responsibilities of one or more other accounting firms, as required by AS 1301, Communications with Audit Committees, potentially hindering the audit committees’ ability to supervise their auditors.

KPMG Brazil also violated PCAOB Rule 2200, Annual Report, by failing to report on Form 2 certain audit reports or consents issued by the firm.

KPMG acknowledged the penalties and said it had corrected the errors on the forms.

“Several KPMG member firms have received financial penalties from the PCAOB in regard to errors made on PCAOB Forms,” said a KPMG spokesperson. “These have now been corrected and the firms accept the issued penalties. The form errors had no impact on any financial statements of entities audited or the audit opinions issued on those statements.” 

Without admitting or denying the findings, each of the firms agreed to a PCAOB order censuring the firm and imposing penalties totaling $3.375 million.

Each firm also agreed to undertake remedial actions to improve their quality control policies and procedures in the areas where the failures occurred.

“These enforcement actions demonstrate that we will hold firms accountable for violating PCAOB rules and standards regarding communications and reporting,” said Robert Rice, director of the PCAOB’s Division of Enforcement and Investigations, in a statement.

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In the blogs: Nothing doing



Familiar fears for firms; 10 reminders for the season; new blog on the block; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

Nothing doing

  • The Tax Times ( Who has access to the beneficial ownership information data submitted so far?
  • Tax Vox ( Can doing nothing grow the economy by trillions over the next decade? Congressional Republicans may be on the road to making that assumption while assuming too that extending Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions does not change tax policy and would increase economic growth. Remember what Felix Unger said happens when we “assume.”
  • The Buzz About Taxes ( Could the Social Security Fairness Act’s ending of the Windfall Elimination Provision affect clients’ foreign Social Security-like payments or foreign pensions?
  • Current Federal Tax Developments ( In CF Headquarters Corporation v. Commissioner, the Tax Court has found that a $3.1 million grant related to 9/11 was taxable income.
  • Avalara ( What to know (so far) about the U.S.-Canada trade war, not including why elbows are up.

Matter of perspective

Spending wisely

  • Taxbuzz ( The high points to hit for U.S. preparers approaching foreign compliance prospects.
  • Boyum & Barenscheer ( Subsequent events are in the spotlight these days, and the audit guidance hasn’t kept pace with changes in reporting frameworks, risk assessment methodologies and technological advancements. Deciding whether to report these events is one of the gray areas in financial reporting. Here are answers to some common questions about reporting subsequent events.
  • MBK ( Retirement “savings” get all the headlines, but what’s your client’s retirement spending plan?
  • Taxjar ( “Merchant of Record” often comes up when an e-commerce client is trying to manage sales tax obligations. What’s it mean?
  • TaxConnex ( The big sales tax differences between groceries and restaurant food.
  • U of I Tax School ( Some of these “10 Reminders for 2024 Tax Filing Season” may seem basic, but it never hurts to be pinged about such details as the rising cost of IRS private letter rulings and automatic changes to the Child Tax Credit.
  • Sikich ( SOC 2 reports (a framework developed by the AICPA) offer a competitive advantage to service organizations. How to achieve SOC 2 compliance and best practices for maintaining it.
  • Eide Bailly ( A look at IRS under- and overpayment rates for the second quarter.

New to us

  • Integritas3 ( These forensic and tax experts working with law firms, individuals and organizations “to find and fix problems” have a lively blog. Recent tax topics include scams, crimes (even ancient ones), financial infidelity and IRS layoffs. Welcome!

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