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Secrets investors need to know



Josh Brown

Photo: Duncan Hill

Josh Brown once had this idea that in order to be a financial advisor, you needed to be buttoned up and fit a particular mold.

Brown, a CNBC contributor who often takes a casual and accessible tack with investors for his commentary, has since learned that there’s more than meets the eye to a lot of things in the world of money.

Throughout his new book, “You Weren’t Supposed To See That: Secrets Every Investor Should Know,” Brown encourages investors to look beyond the surface level of financial advice you see in traditional and social media. Take the American Dream, for example:

“We all grow up being taught about the American Dream and why it can work for everyone,” said Brown, who is the CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, a New York City-based investment advisory firm. “I still believe that’s true, but what we learned in the pandemic is it can’t work for everyone all at once. That’s the thing that you weren’t supposed to see.

“The hidden truth about American-style capitalism is that if everybody is good all at once, the whole thing breaks down. We need people to be successful, but we also need people who are still striving to get there, who are willing to take jobs and do things that others won’t do.”

What we learned in the pandemic is it can’t work for everyone all at once.

Joshua Brown

CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, a New York City-based advisory firm

CNBC spoke with Brown in early October about his experience in the field as a financial advisor and some of his top takeaways for investors across generations.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

‘One of the biggest lies on Wall Street’

Ana Teresa Solá: What led you to write this book? 

Joshua Brown: I had been writing a blog [The Reformed Broker] for about 15 years, and I was writing seven days a week at one point. Then the momentum started to slow down as my career took over. 

At the end of last year, I decided to put an end to it and just say, “This is as far as I could take this.” But I didn’t want to not give it the proper send off, because it was a huge part of my life.

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When you put your heart and soul into that much writing over that length of time, you kind of want to say, “All right … these are the most important insights, and these are the things that I think were important at the time. And let me do something that recognizes that.” 

I wanted to collect all those insights in a book, revisit some of the greatest hits, and then bring them up to the present so that there is a value to the reader today. 

ATS: You echo this idea throughout the book, that you can’t reap the rewards of the stock market without some impact.

JB: One of the biggest lies on Wall Street is that investors can avoid risk and still have the upside of whatever asset class, the markets, etc. It will always be the biggest lie because it’s the easiest thing on earth to sell.

Everybody wants it, and even very intellectually secure people who understand logic will still fall for that. 

When you’re a salesperson, one of the things you learn is to figure out who you’re talking to and what their buttons are, and then you push those buttons. 

Josh Brown on the CNBC set at the New York Stock Exchange.

Photo: James Moock

The thing that we have done very well in our content as a firm, is we have pointed out the ways in which people are convinced to do one thing or the other, and how much human nature plays into that and why it’s really important to fight those instincts, whether it’s fear or greed, as the markets are unfolding.

You really don’t want to veer too far into one of those buckets. You want to be right down the middle. Take enough risk that you can make money, but not take so much risk that you’re about to get the knockout punch. 

Josh Brown is out with a new book, 'You weren't supposed to see that'

Financial advice industry ‘has come a long way’

ATS: In the book, there’s a story about how you walked into this financial advisor’s office and her technique was not what you expected.

JB: That’s about more than 10 years ago, and it was a really eye-opening moment for me. Prior to that, I was very intimidated to make the transition from being a retail stockbroker to an investment advisor. 

I had this idea in my head that all the people who were serving as investment advisors were like these serious, buttoned up professionals who knew exactly what to do — and it really turned out not to be that. It turned out to be a lot of people pretending.

The industry has come a long way since then. The average advisor is significantly better equipped to deal with clients and more professionalized than what I had seen in that era.

That’s kind of a relic of another time that no longer exists. I don’t think that you can fake it to the degree that you used to be able to. [Many advisors are] operating on a fiduciary standard, I don’t think you could fool people anymore.

Gen Z doesn’t need financial planning advice. They need asset allocation advice.

Joshua Brown

CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, a New York City-based advisory firm

ATS: You say young advisors are equipped with the expertise, but they lack something prior generations of advisors have. What is it?

JB: You have this new generation of incredibly qualified financial planning talent. They’re coming out of college knowing more at 23 than many advisors at 43 have ever learned about the planning process. 

This is my opinion — I’m sure people [will] get mad when they hear this — but what they’re missing is the ability to convert an audience of prospective clients into real relationships.

They don’t yet have the life experience. Generationally, they’ve been able to get away with doing a lot less face-to-face. They haven’t dealt with as much rejection as Gen X, certainly the boomers.

Let’s put them in some rooms with important meetings going on. Let’s give them opportunities to have these face-to-face interactions, because they really know what they’re doing. 

Where they’re lacking is what my generation and older has — which is the ability to sell, to persuade, to make people feel comfortable and the ability to deal with awkward social circumstances.

‘Gen Z doesn’t need financial planning advice’

ATS: What are you observing with Gen Z and how they’re seeking financial advice? 

JB:  Gen Z, they don’t need financial planning advice. They need asset allocation advice. They don’t have the assets accumulated. There are no estate issues. There aren’t really tax things worth discussing. 

Whatever they’re encountering on TikTok is whatever the algorithm is serving them, and the algorithm is going to serve them the most outrageous content, it’s going to serve them shortcuts, facts, tricks, stories about people making wild, Bonanza size trades. 

It’s not advice … Most of it is being delivered by completely unqualified people who are not registered, who are not beholden to any sort of standard, and could just say whatever they want.

But I think what ends up happening with that generation, just like every generation prior, is things in their life become more complex. The level of responsibility goes up, the amount of money that they’re dealing with goes up, and they will, in turn, start looking for help. 

And they’ll start their search online. 

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There’s a key change coming to 401(k) catch-up contributions in 2025



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Many Americans face a retirement savings shortfall. However, setting aside more money could get easier for some older workers in 2025.

Enacted by Congress in 2022, the Secure Act 2.0 ushered in several retirement system improvements, including updates to 401(k) plans, required withdrawals, 529 college savings plans and more.

While some Secure 2.0 changes have already happened, another key change for “max savers,” will begin in 2025, according to Dave Stinnett, Vanguard’s head of strategic retirement consulting.

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Some 4 in 10 American workers are behind in retirement planning and savings, according to a CNBC survey, which polled roughly 6,700 adults in early August.

But changes to 401(k) catch-up contributions — a higher limit for workers age 50 and older — could soon help certain savers, experts say. Here’s what to know.

Higher 401(k) catch-up contributions

Employees can now defer up to $23,000 into 401(k) plans for 2024, with an extra $7,500 for workers age 50 and older.

But starting in 2025, workers aged 60 to 63 can boost annual 401(k) catch-up contributions to $10,000 — or 150% of the catch-up limit — whichever is greater. The IRS hasn’t yet unveiled the catch-up contribution limit for 2025.  

“This can be a great way for people to boost their retirement savings,” said certified financial planner Jamie Bosse, senior advisor at CGN Advisors in Manhattan, Kansas.

An estimated 15% of eligible workers made catch-up contributions in 2023, according to Vanguard’s 2024 How America Saves report.

Those making catch-up contributions tend to be higher earners, Vanguard’s Stinnett explained. But they could still have “real concerns about being able to retire comfortably.”

More than half of 401(k) participants with income above $150,000 and nearly 40% with an account balance of more than $250,000 made catch-up contributions in 2023, the Vanguard report found.

Roth catch-up contributions

Another Secure 2.0 change will remove the upfront tax break on catch-up contributions for higher earners by only allowing the deposits in after-tax Roth accounts.

The change applies to catch-up deposits to 401(k), 403(b) or 457(b) plans who earned more than $145,000 from a single company the prior year. The amount will adjust for inflation annually. 

However, IRS in August 2023 delayed the implementation of that rule to January 2026. That means workers can still make pretax 401(k) catch-up contributions through 2025, regardless of income.

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Personal Finance

Holiday shoppers plan to spend more, while taking on debt this season



Increase in consumer holiday spending expected this year, says Mastercard's Michelle Meyer

Americans often splurge on gifts during the holidays.

This year, holiday spending from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 is expected to increase to a record total of $979.5 billion to $989 billion, according to the National Retail Federation.

Even as credit card debt tops $1.14 trillion, holiday shoppers expect to spend, on average, $1,778, up 8% compared to last year, Deloitte’s holiday retail survey found.

Meanwhile, 28% of holiday shoppers still haven’t paid off the gifts they purchased for their loved ones last year, according to another holiday spending report by NerdWallet

How shoppers pay for holiday gifts

Heading into the peak holiday shopping season, 74% of shoppers plan to use credit cards to make their purchases, NerdWallet found.

Another 28% will tap savings to buy holiday gifts and 16% will lean on buy now, pay later services. NerdWallet polled more than 1,700 adults in September.  

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Buy now, pay later is now one of the fastest-growing categories in consumer finance and is only expected to become more popular in the months ahead, according to the most recent data from Adobe. Adobe forecasts BNPL spending will peak on Cyber Monday with a new single-day-record of $993 million.

However, buy now, pay later loans can be especially hard to track, making it easier for more consumers to get in over their heads, some experts have cautioned — even more than credit cards, which are simpler to account for, despite sky-high interest rates.

The problem with credit cards and BNPL

To be sure, credit cards are one of the most expensive ways to borrow money. The average credit card charges more than 20% — near an all-time high.

Alternatively, the option to pay in installments can make financial sense, especially at 0%. 

And yet, buy now, pay later loans “are just another form of credit, disguised as something for free,” said Howard Dvorkin, a certified public accountant and the chairman of

The more BNPL accounts open at once, the more prone consumers become to overspending, missed or late payments and poor credit history, other research shows.

If a consumer misses a payment, there could be late fees, deferred interest or other penalties, depending on the lender. In some cases, those interest rates can be as high as 30%, rivaling the highest credit card charges. 

“This is just another way for financers to put their hands in the pocket of consumers,” Dvorkin said. “It’s a trojan horse.”

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Here’s why the U.S. retirement system isn’t among the world’s best



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The U.S. retirement system doesn’t get high marks relative to other nations.

In fact, the U.S. got a C+ grade and ranked No. 29 out of 48 global pension systems in 2024, according to the annual Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index, released Tuesday. It analyzed both public and private sources of retirement funds, like Social Security and 401(k) plans.

A similar index compiled by Natixis Investment Management puts the U.S. at No. 22 out of 44 nations this year. Its position has declined from a decade ago, when it ranked No. 18.

“I think [a C+ grade] would describe a rating where there is a lot of room for improvement,” said Christine Mahoney, global retirement leader at Mercer, a consulting firm.

The Netherlands placed No. 1, followed by Iceland, Denmark and Israel, respectively, which all received “A” grades, according to Mercer. Singapore, Australia, Finland and Norway got a B+.

Fourteen nations — Chile, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Uruguay, New Zealand, Belgium, Mexico, Canada, Ireland, France, Germany, Croatia and Portugal — got a B.

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Of course, retirement systems differ since they address a nation’s unique economies, social and cultural norms, politics and history, according to the Mercer report. However, there are certain traits that can generally determine how well older citizens fare financially, the report found.

The U.S. system is often referred to as a three-legged stool, consisting of Social Security, workplace retirement plans and individual savings.

The lackluster standing by the U.S. in the world is largely due to a sizable gap in the share of people who have access to a workplace retirement plan, and for the ample opportunities for “leakage” of savings from accounts before retirement, Mahoney said.

Employers aren’t required to offer a retirement plan like a pension or 401(k) plan to workers. About 72% of workers in the private sector had access to one in March 2024, and about half (53%) participated, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  

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“The people who have [a plan], it’s probably pretty good on average, but you have a lot of people who have nothing,” Mahoney said.

By contrast, some of the highest-ranked countries like the Netherlands “cover essentially all workers in the country,” said Graham Pearce, Mercer’s global defined benefit segment leader.

Additionally, top-rated nations generally have greater restrictions relative to the U.S. on how much cash citizens can withdraw before retirement, Pearce explained.

American workers can withdraw their 401(k) savings when they switch jobs, for example.

About 40% of workers who leave a job cash out “prematurely” each year, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. A separate academic study from 2022 examined more than 160,000 U.S. employees who left their jobs from 2014 to 2016, and found that about 41% cashed out at least some of their 401(k) — and 85% completely drained their balance.

Employers are also legally allowed to cash out small 401(k) balances and send workers a check.

While the U.S. might offer more flexibility to people who need to tap their funds in case of emergencies, for example, this so-called leakage also reduces the amount of savings they have available in old age, experts said.

“If you’re someone who moves through jobs, has low savings rates and leakage, it makes it difficult to build your own retirement nest egg,” said David Blanchett, head of retirement research at PGIM, Prudential’s investment management arm.

Social Security is considered a major income source for most older Americans, providing the majority of their retirement income for a significant portion of the population over 65 years old.

To that point, about nine out of 10 people aged 65 and older were receiving a Social Security benefit as of June 30, according to the Social Security Administration.

Social Security benefits are generally tied to a worker’s wage and work history, Blanchett said. For example, the amount is pegged to a worker’s 35-highest years of pay.

While benefits are progressive, meaning lower earners generally replace a bigger share of their pre-retirement paychecks than higher earners, Social Security’s minimum benefit is lesser than other nations, like those in Scandinavia, with public retirement programs, Blanchett said.

“It’s less of a safety net,” he said.

“There’s something to be said that, as a public pension benefit, increasing the minimum benefit for all retirees would strengthen the retirement resiliency for all Americans,” Blanchett said.

That said, policymakers are trying to resolve some of these issues.

For example, 17 states have established so-called auto-IRA programs in a bid to close the coverage gap, according to the Georgetown University Center for Retirement Initiatives.

These programs generally require employers who don’t offer a workplace retirement plan to automatically enroll workers into the state plan and facilitate payroll deduction.

A recent federal law known as Secure 2.0 also expanded aspects of the retirement system. For example, it made more part-time workers eligible to participate in a 401(k) and raised the dollar threshold for employers to cash out balances for departing workers.

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