ALTHOUGH BRITAIN still claims to have a “special relationship” with the United States, no country could contest China’s claim to have the most important one. America’s...
Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, visited America in September to speak at the United Nations and present a “victory plan” to his American patrons. The...
PART OF BEING Donald Trump is saying outrageous things. Yet what was outrageous in 2011 (suggesting that Barack Obama was born in Kenya) seems almost quaint...
NOT ONLY are taxes one of the only certainties in life, they are also one of the only certainties in this election. That is because of...
How the campaigns are exploiting and reshaping the battle of the sexes
“I WANT YOU to pick a sport to award $1m to,” Sondra Cosgrove tells her audience. Ms Cosgrove, a community-college professor, is trying to teach Nevadans...
GO TO ANY American high school holding an election for class president and inevitably one candidate will craft an agenda of alluring promises—free pizza at lunch,...
Campaign finance has changed dramatically over the past 15 years, but not in ways that many expected. The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in 2010, Citizens United...
The Republican candidate for vice-president, J.D. Vance, warns that Democrats could win the election for what, in Donald Trump’s party, is a shocking reason: more people...
If Republicans were about to experience a breakthrough among black voters, as some polls had suggested, New Jersey’s tenth congressional district (which includes Newark) might be...