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City and local sales taxes spike



Under economic pressure, local governments across the country are raising sales tax rates or introducing new taxes.

The latest findings from sales tax solution provider Vertex reveal increases in both local and new tax rates in cities across the country, highlighting an urgent need for revenue at the municipal level. 

During the first six months of 2024, the number of cities that increased their sales tax rate compared to the number that decreased it was 12 to 1, according to Michael Bernard, chief tax officer at Vertex. “And the number of districts is near a 10-year high,” he said. Police, fire and sewage districts are separate entities from cities. 

There are a number of reasons for this rise in rates, according to Bernard. 

“First, issuing debt continues to be subpar. Locals just don’t want to do it, because administratively it’s a hassle,” he said. “Inflation is eating at them, whether it’s paper or asphalt. The price of office supplies, asphalt and police cars, like everything else, has increased. They need more funding just to deal with inflation, which has run 15% to 30% across the board.”

state and local taxes cash register

Picasa/Patrick Daxenbichler – stock.ado

Not so visible is the projected drying up of funds available under the  American Rescue Plan, the largest amount of direct federal aid ever for local governments, he explained: “The funds were allocated to cities and counties, but will be paid out by the end of the year. A city getting millions under the plan could purchase police cars, fire trucks and fix potholes. But those funds will go away at the end of the year, so they will need to increase the sales tax to make up for it.”

And the ability to raise the sales tax is administratively efficient, according to Bernard: “There is normally no debate — they just pass it at a council meeting, and collections are normally done by the state auditor. ARPA funds will not be paid starting in 2025, and administratively it’s easy to pass and increase, so locals can rely on it.”

The sales tax is the most resilient source of funding compared to property and income taxes, Bernard observed. 

“Depending on whether the economy is reflecting good times or bad times, sales tax collections will go down faster but recover faster than income tax or property tax,” he said. “The difference is that sales tax is much more immediate: When bad times come, consumers shut their wallet, but when things ease, they open their wallets faster.”

Vertex’s 2024 Mid-Year Sales Tax Rates and Rules Report outlines the evolving landscape of local tax implementation, proliferation of fees, and increasing complexity of tax compliance for businesses across the U.S. This is reflected by a 67% year-over-year increase in city-level sales tax rate changes, according to Bernard. 

Key findings from the report include:

  • City-level spikes. The first half of 2024 witnessed an unprecedented spike in city-level sales tax rate adjustments. While city jurisdictions enacted 95 rate changes in the first six months of 2023, the same period in 2024 saw a dramatic increase to 159 authorized sales tax rate changes — a striking 67% year-over-year increase. “This significant acceleration in local tax rate modifications reflects cities’ proactive approach to revenue management in response to evolving economic conditions and budgetary pressures,” said Bernard.
  • Net new taxation. The adoption of new taxing cities (30) and district taxes (77) in the first half of 2024 remains high, as establishing new taxing cities and districts is a simpler and faster process than altering states sales tax rates. “This decades-long trend of net-new taxation (taxing cities and district taxes) is in stark contrast to state-level tax changes, which typically require a lengthy legislative process,” according to Bernard.
  • Looking local. Local governments raised sales tax rates with three times more county-level increases than decreases, and 12 times more city increases than decreases. “The move on local-level taxation is driven by several key factors, Bernard remarked: persistent inflation, the ongoing need to maintain and improve public services, and the rising costs of issuing bonds due to higher interest rates.
  • New and unique fees. States are increasingly implementing various fees, including airport, environmental, special district and retail delivery fees, according to Bernard: “Two years ago, Vertex solutions supported roughly 400 fee impositions; today, that number is approximately 1,400.”

“On the global front, while most nations are refraining from increasing VAT rates to avoid anti-competitive effects and inflationary pressures, VAT remains a crucial funding source for governments. Additionally, the EU is expected to see a rise in environmental taxes, particularly carbon-related fees. These trends underscore the evolving nature of indirect taxation globally with a focus on real and near-time reporting,” said Bernard.

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Tech news: Data Snipper releases AI-powered document validator



Audit and finance automation platform Data Snipper announced the acquisition of AI-native UpLink, a cloud-based secure document request portal. UpLink is designed to instantly identify insights from large volumes of client documents in order to facilitate document collection, review, and testing. The integration within the DataSnipper ecosystem creates a seamless, unified workflow, enabling audit teams to manage the entire process as documents are received in real-time from clients.  … Accounting solutions provider Numeric announced it has attracted significant investor attention, leading to a $28 million Series A funding round led by Menlo Ventures, just five months after raising $10 million in seed funding. The round also saw participation from new investors like IVP and Socii, alongside previous backers such as Founders Fund and Long Journey. … Accounting-focused cloud services provider Rightworks experienced a brief outage on Oct. 15. A spokesperson said only a very small percentage of its firms were affected, and they were back up quickly.

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SEC subpoenas CSX over years of accounting errors



A CSX locomotive

CSX Corp. received a subpoena from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission focused on previously disclosed accounting errors and certain non-financial performance metrics. 

The subpoena asked the railroad company to produce documents about accounting mistakes CSX disclosed in its previous quarterly report, according to a regulatory filing on Thursday. The company received the subpoena this month and is cooperating with the probe, CSX said in the filing.

“While the company believes its reporting complied with applicable requirements in all material respects, the company cannot anticipate the timing, scope, outcome or possible impact of the investigation, financial or otherwise,” CSX said. 

The filing didn’t include details about the non-financial performance metrics the SEC was scrutinizing. The Jacksonville, Florida-based company didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. 

CSX in August disclosed that it had to correct accounting errors for several prior periods tied to engineering scrap and engineering support labor. Miscoding of engineering materials and labor resulted in the company understating purchased services and labor and overstating properties, the company said at the time.

The mistakes weren’t deemed material enough by CSX to trigger a formal restatement of previously published financial statements. It fixed the errors via revision, a correction that companies quietly tuck into their regulatory filings without the fanfare of a special SEC filing.

The concern extended as far back as 2021, and the revisions spilled over into how CSX made pension-related adjustments to other comprehensive income. They also required the company to reclassify certain balance sheet items, according to the August filing.

While the mistakes weren’t material to prior periods, CSX said they would have been significant to 2024’s full-year results if they were repeated in this year’s second quarter.

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Tax Fraud Blotter: Party’s over



Unaltered behavior; playing chicken; out on a rail; and other highlights of recent tax cases.

West Palm Beach, Florida: A federal district court has issued a permanent injunction against tax preparer Gregory Salgado, both individually and d.b.a. GMJ Real Investments Inc. and Cuba Salgado Tax & Real Estate.

Salgado is barred from preparing returns, working for or having any ownership stake in a tax prep business, assisting others to prepare returns or set up business as a preparer, and transferring or assigning customer lists to any other person or entity. The court also ordered him to pay $85,000 in gains from his tax prep business. Salgado agreed to both the injunction and the order to pay.

The complaint alleged that Salgado pleaded guilty in 2012 to filing a false personal return and filing a false return for another taxpayer and that the IRS assessed more than $500,000 in civil penalties against him for willfully underreporting tax on returns he prepared for clients.

According to the complaint, neither Salgado’s conviction, 33-month incarceration nor civil penalties altered his behavior. After his release from prison in 2015, Salgado continued to prepare thousands of returns for clients that either reduced their tax liability or inflated their refund claims. He did this largely by falsifying or overstating itemized deductions, fabricating or overstating business income and expenses and falsifying filing statuses and dependents.

Salgado must send notice of the recent injunction to each person for whom he or his business prepared federal returns, amended returns or claims for refund between Jan. 1, 2019, to the present. The court also ordered him to post a copy of the injunction at all locations where he conducts business and on his business’s website.

Cincinnati: Restaurateur Richard Bhoolai, 65, has been convicted of failing to pay taxes he withheld from employees’ wages.

He owned and operated Richie’s Fast Food Restaurants Inc., an S corp used to operate three area fried chicken restaurants since 1991. Bhoolai employed 22 to 34 employees between at least 2017 and 2018 and during that time withheld taxes from employees’ wages but did not pay them over to the IRS. Prior to that period, Bhoolai had not paid over such taxes from earlier years and the IRS had assessed a penalty against him.

Bhoolai instead used money from the businesses for his personal benefit, including gambling.

He faces up to five years in prison for each count of failure to pay taxes.

Bakersfield, California: Miguel Martinez, a Mexican national, has been sentenced to six years in prison for leading a $25 million fraud against the IRS.

From November 2019 through June 2023, Martinez, who previously pleaded guilty, led a scheme to file hundreds of fraudulent returns that claimed millions of dollars in refunds. He used stolen IDs to create fake businesses and report phony wage and withholding information for the businesses to the IRS. He then submitted hundreds of individual federal income tax returns in the names of still other individuals whose identities he had also stolen, claiming that those individuals worked for the fake businesses and were owed refunds based on the phony wage and withholding information.

Martinez used several people to allegedly help carry out the scheme, including a local tax preparer and a former IRS tax examiner who advised Martinez. In exchange, Martinez paid them thousands of dollars and took them out to lavish dinners.

The IRS paid out $2.3 million in refunds. When federal agents arrested Martinez and searched his three homes, he was found with $750,000 in fraudulent refund checks, ID cards for more than 200 individuals and multiple firearms that he could not lawfully possess due to his illegal status in the United States.

He also lied to government agents in the beginning of the investigation, initially saying that he had no knowledge of or involvement in tax prep for others and that he just sold gold and ran a party rental business. He also said that he did not know others who were involved in the scheme and had no relevant evidence.


Kansas City, Missouri: Tax preparer Ebens Louis-Loradin has been sentenced to 20 months in prison and ordered to pay $722,121 in restitution for a fraud in which he filed clients’ federal income tax returns that contained false information.

Louis-Loradin, a tax preparer since 2012 and who pleaded guilty earlier this year, prepared and filed 154 fraudulent returns that inflated his clients’ refunds by a total of nearly $1 million and boosted the fees he charged them.

He admitted that he engaged in the scheme from 2013 to 2020. Phony claims on the returns included dependents, inflated withholding amounts, credits for child and dependent care expenses, American Opportunity Credits and the Earned Income Tax Credit, itemized deductions and business losses.

The fraud caused a total federal tax loss of $953,873. Many of his clients, who told investigators they weren’t aware of the false items he placed on their tax returns, have been paying back the IRS for the refund overpayments.

Louis-Loradin also failed to file personal federal income tax returns for 2016 to 2018 and fraudulently used multiple IDs, including those of children, in his scheme.

Springbrook, Wisconsin: Gregory Vreeland, who owns and operates Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad of Spooner, Wisconsin, which provides recreational train rides and rail car storage and rail switching services, has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison for failure to pay employment taxes.

Vreeland, who previously pleaded guilty and who also co-owned and operated the Country House Motel and RV Park, was Great Northern’s president and the motel’s managing partner and was responsible for the companies’ financial matters, including the filing of employment returns. He failed to file employment tax forms for Great Northern from the end of 2017 through all of 2021 and failed to pay over the associated employee withholdings for that same period. Vreeland also failed to file employment tax forms for the motel from the third quarter of 2015 through the third quarter of 2020 and failed to pay over the associated employee withholdings for that same time. He used the withholdings to instead expand Great Northern’s operations and to buy a personal residence.

Vreeland received civil notices from the IRS for non-payment, which he initially ignored and made no attempt to cooperate with the service until it began levying his bank accounts.

Raleigh, North Carolina: Tax preparer Fwala Serge Muyamuna, 55, of Wake Forest, North Carolina, has pleaded guilty to 24 counts of aiding or assisting in the preparation of fraudulent returns and one felony count of obstructing justice.

Muyamuna was sentenced to 16 to 29 months in prison; the sentence was suspended and Muyamuna was placed on supervised probation for two years. Muyamuna was also ordered to serve four days in custody, pay $34,257.10 in restitution, perform 150 hours of community service and no longer prepare North Carolina tax returns.

Muyamuna, the manager, operator and tax preparer of Tax Experts/D & V Taxes and Accounting/DV Taxes, aided or assisted in the preparation of 24 false North Carolina individual income tax returns for clients for 2018 to 2021. Muyamuna also told a client to not cooperate with the investigation or speak with IRS agents.

Hanson, Massachusetts: Business owner Kenneth Marston has pleaded guilty to failing to pay employment taxes.

From 2015 through 2018, Marston owned and operated Bowmar Steel Industries, which engaged in steel fabrication, and Teleconstructors Inc., which provided installation services on cellular phone towers. During that time, Marston falsely treated his employees as independent contractors and failed to withhold employment taxes on more than $3.8 million in combined wages. Marston avoided reporting and paying $1 million in employment taxes owed to the IRS.

Failure to pay over taxes provides for up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss, whichever is greater. Sentencing is Jan. 3.

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