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Why I paid $95 to recycle a mattress — and you might, too



The author paid a company, Renewable Recycling, to pick up and recycle his queen-size mattress in New York City.

Greg Iacurci

I paid $95 to recycle a mattress.

It may sound odd, silly even, to pay so much to dispose of a run-of-the-mill household item.

But the economics of mattress recycling illustrate why it can be difficult — and costly — to be an eco-friendly consumer in the U.S.

Americans discard about 15 million to 20 million mattresses each year, according to the Mattress Recycling Council. That’s an average of about 50,000 per day.

Most end up in a landfill, experts said.

Mattresses are “one of the hardest things to recycle,” said Alicia Marseille, a sustainability and circular economy expert at Arizona State University.

“It’s a massive waste stream,” she said.

‘It’ll probably be there for hundreds of years’

Mattresses at a garbage dump.

Robert Brook | Corbis | Getty Images

My mattress — a queen-sized hand-me-down from family and probably close to two decades old — was in desperate need of replacement. The average mattress has a lifespan of about 14 years, from manufacture to consumer disposal, according to MRC.

But what to do with it?

I live in Brooklyn, where residents can dispose of a mattress for free as part of routine trash pickup.

As someone who meticulously tries to cut waste in everyday life — avoiding single-use plastics, composting food scraps — it was painful to think of mine wasting away in a landfill.

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“If you put your mattress in a landfill, it’ll probably be there for hundreds of years, just sitting there,” said Meg Romero, the recycling and litter control superintendent for Charles County, Maryland.

Surely, I can find a new home for it instead, I thought.


After two weeks of unsuccessful dispatches to local homeless shelters, organizations like The Salvation Army and Goodwill, and community forums like Buy Nothing and The Freecycle Network, I’d exhausted my patience for a free-giveaway option.

Individuals who donate a mattress to certain groups may be able to claim a tax deduction for its fair market value on their federal tax return. Taxpayers would need to itemize their deductions to benefit.

Did I neglect to reach out to some interested parties? Probably. Might someone else have different results? Yes. But my personal cost-benefit analysis dictated that it was time to ditch donations.

I researched some recycling options, and selected Renewable Recycling Inc., based in East Rockaway, New York. There are few other U.S. companies that do such work, experts said. A directory compiled by MRC lists just 55.

How a mattress is recycled

Mattresses are picked up and placed into a truck to be hauled to a recycling facility at the Prima Deshecha landfill in San Juan Capistrano, California, on March 10, 2022.

Mark Rightmire/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

More than 75% of a mattress is recyclable, according to MRC. Some companies put it at closer to 90%.

Recyclers strip them of materials like wood, steel, and various foams and fibers, and sell them into secondary markets.

The materials are then re-purposed: Shredded foam and fibers as carpet padding, animal beds or insulation; wood as mulch and fuel; and springs as scrap steel, for example.

“If you can recycle, it will give those materials another life to be used as something else,” said Romero of Charles County, which launched a mattress recycling program for residents on Aug. 1.

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That re-use has other environmental benefits. For example, there’s a reduced need to extract or source new materials for manufacturing, which cuts greenhouse gas emissions and water and energy use, experts said.

Unusually, the Charles County service is largely free for residents. They can bring two items a day — like a mattress and box spring — to the Charles County Landfill for recycling for no charge. Additional items cost $10 per piece.

Residents recycled more than 900 mattresses in September, over double officials’ estimates, Romero said. The county contracts with a Baltimore-based company, Deco Solutions, to manage the process.

Charles County’s motivations weren’t purely environmental, though.

Mattresses are bulky, taking up precious real estate in the county landfill, Romero said.

“A landfill is a limited, finite space,” said Peter Conway, the president of Spring Back Colorado, a recycler based in Commerce City. “They want to put things that break down, things that are easily compactible.”

“Mattresses are kind of the antithesis of that,” Conway said. He expects to divert 8 million pounds of waste from Colorado landfills this year.

Why mattress recycling can be expensive

Shredded old mattress materials.

Guillaume Souvant | Afp | Getty Images

The $95 fee I ultimately paid to Renewable Recycling is “pretty standard” among mattress recyclers, Conway said.

The expense covered mattress pickup from my Brooklyn apartment and transport to the company’s warehouse in Oceanside, New York. (I could have saved $55 by dropping off the mattress myself, but I don’t own a car.)

Spring Back Colorado also charges $40 for each mattress and box spring that a consumer drops off. An additional fee of $60 or more applies, depending on the travel distance, if a consumer asks for home pickup.

Mattresses are harder to recycle than other items like plastic bottles, aluminum cans and cardboard, said Romero, of Charles County.

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“They’re all made completely differently,” Romero said. “There’s no uniform construction, and there are several different types of materials used to make one mattress.”

The process is more time- and labor-intensive, she said. Often, workers must break them down by hand.

For example, cotton remnants must be picked off steel mattress springs before it can be shredded or baled for sale to scrap markets, according to the Mattress Recycling Council. Staples also need to be removed from wood frames before going to market, it said. Each coil in a “pocket coil mattress” is individually wrapped in fabric and must be separated, Romero said.

‘Razor-thin margins’

Additionally, mattress materials yield only “modest revenues” when sold, Reid Lifset, a research scholar and resident fellow in industrial ecology at Yale School of the Environment, wrote in an e-mail.

Those revenues often depend on fluctuating commodity prices.

“We don’t set the price for a ton of foam or steel,” Conway said. “One day we might get 18 cents a pound and the next week only get 10 cents.”

If you put your mattress in a landfill, it’ll probably be there for hundreds of years, just sitting there.

Meg Romero

recycling and litter control superintendent for Charles County, Maryland

There must also be a market demand for those commodities — and sometimes those markets aren’t nearby, adding to shipping costs.

For example, Spring Back Colorado used to send all its foam and ticking to a recycling center in California, Conway said. It cost the company about $2,000 to ship each truck load.

About a year ago, that California partner stopped accepting shipments: Demand had dried up for material, Conway said. He called companies as far afield as Mexico, Canada, India and Egypt to find alternative placement, but ultimately found a new partner in Texas, he said.

“It’s pretty razor-thin margins we operate on,” Conway said.

Spring Back Colorado earns additional revenue from mattress pickups and drop-offs, and from partnerships with businesses and municipalities, he said.

“Someone has to pay,” said Marseille, of Arizona State University. “It usually falls to consumers.”

Consumer fees subsidize recycling efforts

Kosamtu | E+ | Getty Images

Some states and municipalities are making it more cost-effective for consumers to recycle their mattresses.

For example, Charles County, Maryland, funds its fledgling mattress program largely with taxpayer money. About $150 of residents’ taxes are allocated to the county’s Environmental Resources division each year, for services like curbside recycling, disposal of yard waste, oil and anti freeze — and now mattress recycling, Romero said.

Three states — California, Connecticut and Rhode Island — have enacted mattress recycling laws since 2013. A similar program in Oregon is launching Jan. 1, 2025.

The laws require the mattress industry to develop and administer state programs to collect and recycle discarded mattresses for free.

The initiative is funded by consumers, though.

Someone has to pay. It usually falls to consumers.

Alicia Marseille

sustainability and circular economy expert at Arizona State University

Individuals and institutions (like hotels and dormitories) in such states pay a fee each time they buy a mattress: $10.50 in California, $11.75 in Connecticut, $20.50 in Rhode Island and $22.50 in Oregon, said Amanda Wall, a spokesperson for the Mattress Recycling Council. MRC is a nonprofit created by the International Sleep Products Association, a mattress industry trade group, to build and run these state programs.

Retailers forward those fees to MRC, which funds the consumer recycling efforts. Ultimately, the fees subsidize free mattress drop-off and recycling at any MRC-funded collection site in participating states, Wall said. (Recyclers can still charge a fee for mattress pickup, she said.)

The mattress industry has pushed for similar legislation in New York, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia this year, and plans to keep working with these state legislatures in 2025, Wall said.

These organizations are selling plastic offsets to help build recycling infrastructure

The laws are an example of “extended producer responsibility” policies states have adopted more broadly, forcing companies to bear some end-of-life responsibility for their products, said Marseille.

Some question whether consumers shoulder too much of the burden right now.

“Companies aren’t making, for the most part, more easy-to-recycle products,” Conway said. “It’s on the consumer to figure out how to responsibly get rid of their items in a conscious way.”

He thinks it needs to be easier and more affordable for consumers to recycle to promote that behavior.

“At the end of the day, if you have two options, and one is throw it in a hole in the ground, and the other is recycle it, 95% of the people will go with that cheaper option,” Conway added.

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Neodesha, Kansas offers incentives to entice people to move there



Field of wheat in central Kansas is nearly ready for harvest.

Ricardo Reitmeyer | Getty Images

With a population of about 2,100, Neodesha, Kansas, is roughly 100 miles from Wichita and Topeka in Kansas and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its claim to fame is the 65-foot-tall tower that supported the drilling framework for the first commercial oil well west of the Mississippi River, locals say. 

But as an old oil town, Neodesha has struggled with a decreasing population and an aging housing supply for years.

When the refinery formerly owned by Standard Oil Co. closed in 1971, “the population was cut in half over night,” according to Neodesha’s mayor, Devin Johnson.

“We have seen that decline as every small community has over the last 50 years,” Johnson said. “The thing with small communities is, if you are not growing, you are dying.”

Last year, Neodesha partnered with MakeMyMove, an online relocation marketplace that connects workers with communities trying to attract new residents.

Incentives include tax waivers and free college

The town is now offering qualifying new residents incentives — such as waiving state income tax through 2026 along with property tax rebates and help with day care for working parents — as well as access to existing perks, including student loan repayment assistance up to $15,000 and free college tuition through the Neodesha Promise scholarship program.

MakeMyMove, which has worked with 88 communities across the U.S., screens applicants and connects them with local resources.

Since the program launched in 2024, more than 30 people are in the process of moving to Neodesha, according to Evan Hock, MakeMyMove’s co-founder and chief operating officer.

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“We’ve awarded over $1 million in scholarships, and I feel like we are helping the community and making some real progress,” said Ben Cutler, who grew up in Neodesha and now funds the scholarship program, which started in 2020 and is available to any graduate of Neodesha High School in good standing. (Neodesha’s promise program will cover tuition at participating colleges or associate degree programs and vocational schools nationwide.) 

“One of my key focuses was helping build the community, to help in any way I could to make Neodesha a more attractive community for young families, and I think we’re making some real progress in that regard — I certainly hope so anyway,” Cutler said.

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Meanwhile, efforts are also underway to construct hundreds of new homes, apartments and duplexes in the region, along with the development of retail and commercial spaces and the renovation of several historic buildings on Main Street.

“We’ve got to cherish what we’ve got but make sure we make Neodesha an attractive place for people to come,” Johnson said.

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Other communities across the country have also been upping the ante with cash incentives or voucher programs for people willing to move.

For example, workers relocating to Topeka can receive up to $10,000 for rent for the first year or up to $15,000 to put toward buying a home.

Another program affiliated with the West Virginia Department of Tourism is offering a cash incentive of $12,000 along with access to free coworking spaces and outdoor recreation packages for those who move to the state for at least two years.  

The Shoals Economic Development Authority offers $10,000 in cash to full-time remote employees who are willing to relocate to the Shoals community in northwest Alabama.

“This is a cost-effective way of doing economic development,” said MakeMyMove’s Hock. The communities “usually get a return within the first year.”

However, “incentives are not the reason people actually move,” he said. Affordability is key, he said, but community also plays an important role.

“They are looking for quality of place, they want a community connection, that’s what is motivating the move,” Hock said.

‘A family-friendly place to live’

Kaitlyn and Jack Sundberg with their dogs Max and Bella in front of the home they purchased in Neodesha, Kansas.

Courtesy: Kaitlyn Sundberg

Kaitlyn Sundberg never expected that she would move to Kansas. Sundberg and her husband, Jack, lived in Southern California but struggled to save enough for the down payment on a home of their own.

“We were living with my in-laws, and we were not able to afford anything,” said Sundberg, 27.

Sundberg’s husband, who worked as an estimator for a telecom company, expanded his job search — significantly — and found an opportunity as the program manager for Southeast Kansas Inc.

When they visited Neodesha, “it just seemed like a family-friendly place to live,” Sundberg said.

“We spent a Saturday looking for a house — there were kids riding bikes,” she said, “I just cried.”

The couple moved to Neodesha with their two dogs 18 months ago, even before the incentive program launched. Sundberg now works as the executive director of the new early learning center in town after a neighbor brought over the job posting and suggested she apply for the position.

“Being away from family is the hardest part,” she said, “but I would never want to move back.”

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DOGE actions may cause Social Security benefit ‘interruption’: ex-agency head



Then Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley testifies before the Senate Committee on the Budget on Sept. 11, 2024.

Anna Rose Layden | Getty Images News | Getty Images

Social Security has never missed a benefit payment since the program first began sending individuals monthly benefits more than eight decades ago.

But the recent actions at the U.S. Social Security Administration by Elon Musk‘s so-called Department of Government Efficiency are putting monthly benefit checks for more than 72.5 million Americans at risk, former commissioner and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley told

“Ultimately, you’re going to see the system collapse and an interruption of benefits,” O’Malley said. “I believe you will see that within the next 30 to 90 days.”

Ahead of any interruption in benefits, “people should start saving now,” O’Malley said.

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The Social Security Administration uses multiple systems and technologies that Elon Musk has criticized for leading to errors. As commissioner, O’Malley told Congress the agency needed more funding for IT modernization.  

O’Malley said DOGE leaders are now making changes at the agency, and significant staff cuts have already led to system outages. Those intermittent IT outages may happen more frequently and for more extended periods of time until there is a “system collapse and an interruption of benefits,” he said.

Neither the Social Security Administration nor the White House responded to requests for comment by press time.

Social Security Administration leadership upheaval

The Department of Government Efficiency, also known as DOGE, is not a federal department. And Musk, whom President Donald Trump brought on board to implement DOGE, is not an elected official.

Since its establishment, DOGE has looked to slash spending at federal government agencies.

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The cuts have led to leadership upheaval, with the recent resignation of acting commissioner Michelle King following a reported disagreement over DOGE’s access to sensitive data. O’Malley resigned from the Social Security Administration in November to run for chairman of the Democratic National Committee, a race which he lost to Minnesota Democrat Ken Martin.

Trump has nominated Frank Bisignano, CEO of financial-technology company Fiserv, to serve as the new commissioner of the Social Security Administration. Bisignano has yet to sit for Senate confirmation hearings.

In the interim, Lee Dudek, who first joined the agency in 2009, has been appointed acting commissioner.

Earlier this month, Dudek posted on LinkedIn that he had been placed on administrative leave from the agency for helping DOGE representatives, The Wall Street Journal reported on Feb. 20.

“Our continuing priority is paying beneficiaries the right amount at the right time, and providing other critical services people rely on from us,” Dudek said in a Feb. 19 statement about his appointment.

Whose benefits may be most at risk

Yet experts say the benefits Americans rely on could be at risk based on the Trump administration’s overhaul of the agency.

“The American public needs to understand that one of their major social safety nets is in dire jeopardy,” said Jill Hornick, a union official at the American Federation of Government Employees Local 1395, which primarily represents Social Security offices in Illinois.

“It’ll take a while for the effects to be felt, but they’re coming,” Hornick said, predicting what will happen to Social Security is going to be “far worse” than the planned cuts to Medicaid.

For people who are already receiving Social Security benefits, most of that is automated and may not be affected, she said. However, processing new claims — whether it be for retirement or disability benefits — may take longer since those cannot be processed without Social Security employees, she said.

On Thursday, the Social Security Administration sent a notice to employees that gives them until March 14 to decide whether to take an early buyout. Unlike a previous January offer, this now includes service employees, and staffing reductions in that area may impact how quickly the agency processes benefit claims and provides other services, Hornick said.

For example, if a woman files for a survivor benefit after her husband passes away, she needs to provide a copy of her marriage license. A Social Security employee then needs to code the system to verify they have seen that document and the applicant is eligible for benefits, Hornick said.

“Not everybody can do things electronically,” particularly the older adults and disabled individuals who the Social Security Administration serves, said Maria Freese, senior legislative representative at the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.

“If you don’t have people to run an agency that requires hands-on customer service, then of course there’s a risk that you could end up with benefits being either denied or interrupted,” Freese said.

Office closures may reduce access to services

The DOGE savings web page has a list of about 45 Social Security locations where leases will be terminated, according to Rich Couture, spokesperson for AFGE SSA General Committee, a union that represents 42,000 Social Security employees nationally.

The list provides little information on the uses for the locations that are being closed. Based on the square footage listed, they may be sites used to conduct in-person hearings for disability benefits, Couture said. In one case, the location seems to be a busy New York state field office that provides general services, he said.

“If they’re going to close these offices that are busy in highly populated areas, it would suggest to me that there’s no office in this country that would be safe from having a lease terminated, especially in rural areas,” Couture said.

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In a recent statement, Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., said the moves are a “backdoor benefit cut.”

“Let me be clear — laying off half of the workforce at the Social Security Administration and shuttering field offices will mean the delay, disruption and denial of benefits,” Larson said.

In a statement to earlier this week, the Social Security Administration said it has not set any reduction targets, in response to reports it plans to cut 50% of its employees.

As a union, AFGE has been issuing bargaining demands in response to the agency’s recent decisions and plans to enforce employee rights through other methods as necessary, spokesperson Couture said.

While many lawsuits have been filed, it will take time to work through them, especially as the courts are now being flooded with cases tied to the Trump administration’s actions, said Nancy Altman, president of advocacy organization Social Security Works.

The biggest results may come from the pressure American voters could put on elected officials, former SSA commissioner O’Malley said.

“I think many people throughout the country are going to start bringing a lot of heat to members of Congress who have been facilitating, supporting, aiding and abetting the breaking of their Social Security and the interruption of benefits that they work their whole lives to earn,” he said. “These are earned benefits.”

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As the price of bitcoin falls, you can leverage this tax loophole



Jaque Silva/ | Nurphoto | Getty Images

With the price of bitcoin down from a record high in January, there’s a chance for some investors to score a tax break, experts say.  

Following a post-election rally, the flagship digital currency touched $109,000 on inauguration day before falling in February. As of midday Friday, the price was around $84,000, after dipping below $80,000 overnight, according to Coin Metrics.

The latest selloff presents a tax planning opportunity, including a “loophole” that could go away amid Congressional tax negotiations, according to Andrew Gordon, a tax attorney, certified public accountant and president of Gordon Law Group.

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The strategy, known as “tax-loss harvesting,” allows you to offset profitable investments by selling declining assets in a brokerage or other taxable account. Once your losses exceed gains, you can subtract up to $3,000 per year from regular income and carry excess losses into future years. 

Some investors wait until December for tax-loss harvesting, which can be a mistake because asset volatility, particularly for digital currency, happens throughout the year, experts say. 

“You should look for these opportunities continually and take advantage of them as they occur,” Gordon said.  

You should look for these opportunities continually and take advantage of them as they occur.

Andrew Gordon

President of Gordon Law Group

The crypto wash sale ‘loophole’ 

When selling investments, there’s a wash sale rule, which blocks you from claiming a loss if you repurchase a “substantially identical” asset within a 30-day window before or after the sale.

But currently, the wash sale rule doesn’t apply to cryptocurrency, which can be beneficial for long-term digital currency investors, experts say.

“If you sell, for instance, bitcoin at a loss today and then buy it back tomorrow, you still have your loss on the books,” Gordon said. “This is an extremely effective strategy for crypto investors because they don’t have to exit their position.”

However, the strategy could disappear in the future as Congressional Republicans seek ways to fund President Donald Trump‘s tax agenda.

Sens. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo. and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., in 2023 reintroduced a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency, which included closing the crypto wash sale loophole. Former President Joe Biden‘s fiscal year 2025 budget also included the proposal.

In the meantime, “the IRS gives us this loophole. We may as well take it,” Adam Markowitz, an enrolled agent at Luminary Tax Advisors in Windermere, Florida, previously told CNBC.

Of course, you should always consider your investing goals and timeline before implementing the tax strategy.

Tax Tip: Crypto Assets

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